Chapter 2

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"He's my Godfather." I said, Sam nodded taking another sip of his coffee. "None of what I said made any sense and neither of you are freaking out or questioning my sanity...why?" I looked at them almost holding my breath waiting for the penny to drop.

Dean placed his coffee on the table and looked me square in the face. "Lexi what we do and what Bobby did involved a lot of unnatural beings like Vamps, shape shifters, Djinn, Werewolves and stuff like that. So to have a psychic come into our lives is quite refreshing." He said making me feel a bit better.

"So why after all this time have you come to Bobby's?" Sam asked sounding rather curious.

I thought for a moment not really knowing how to answer the question, so I went with the only logical answer...the truth. After I finished telling them I took a bite of my pie and waited for one of them to answer. "Well I guess Bobby trusted you enough to tell you all this..." I cut Sam off before he could continue.

"Bobby never told me any of this, just that I can trust you two." Sam nodded and smiled at me laughing slightly to himself.

" Well I suppose she's alright to come to the BatCave."

"The BatCave?" I looked at Dean and then Sam not really wanting to know the answer. Sam laughed. "You'll see." He said as they both got up.

We walked outside as the sun was going down. "Sammy maybe you should drive her and I'll go ahead in Baby." I looked at Sam getting ready to ask he just shook his head "Don't ask." I nodded tossing him the keys.

"You drive I don't know where I'm going." I slid into the passenger seat as Sam got himself comfy in the drivers.

Driving along I could sense Sam glance at me and I knew he was dying to ask more questions, but was too nervous to do so. "What do you want to know?" I suddenly said looking at him. Heard him puff out air and click his tongue on the roof of his mouth.

He shrugged, "I dunno, maybe how long?" I smiled at him and nodded.

"I was thirteen, I touched my mothers arm during a thunderstorm and all these images flooded into my head. Afterwards I told her about them and she told me that they were before I was born so I couldn't possibly know them and in so much detail as well."

Sam nodded his head satisfied with the answer and it went back to silence. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew Sam was gently shaking me waking me up and telling me we had arrived. I got out and stretched following the boys to the door. As Dean opened it he tuned to me and gestured for me to enter.

"Home Sweet Home" He said as I looked around taking in everything. I saw hundreds of books and a long table in the middle of the room.

"What is this place?" I asked still in awe of what I was looking at.

"We call it the BatCave." Dean almost chuckled "but it's the headquarters of a society call The Men of Letters."

"We are the last of them, our great grandfather was one of them. They are like us, hunters of all things that go bump in the night." Sam added as I just stood there glued to the spot nodding like an imbecile. When I finally got my legs working I walked down the metal staircase and further into the room. It was huge, yet cosy I could get used to living here I thought.

"So where do you guys sleep?' I turned to them Dean raised his eyebrows "I'm beat." I quickly added making sure he understood what I meant. Sam looked at his brother and slapped him on the back of the head.

"Get your head out the gutter Dean" Sam walked me to the spare room. "You can sleep here" he almost yawned "Dean sleeps in that room." I looked down to where he was pointing "and I sleep across the hall. But one of us is always awake should you need anything." He smiled weakly at me.

"Thanks." I replied "I'll see you in the morning." I turned and closed the door behind me I could hear Sam walk away and muffled talking. Soon enough I was asleep.

Again I woke up sweating, heart pounding, but this time I wasn't shaking with fear, but with anger. Trying to think back to the dream, I couldn't pin point a place where I could have gotten angry. I climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I climbed in and let the warm water calm me.

All of a sudden the shower curtain was pulled back. "Who are you?"

I screamed and grabbed a towel "Who am I? Who the hell are you?" I said as both Sam and Dean barged through the door.

"Cas" I looked at Dean wide eyed. "Dude you can't just burst in on someone, especially when they are in the shower." He looked at me apologetically

"She never answered my question!" Can replied bluntly.

"My name is Lexi, I'm a friend of Bobby's" I replied as I tightened the towel around me.

"Bobby's dead. He was killed by leviathan." Again rather blunt.

"I know he's dead." I muttered pinching the bridge of my nose. "What are leviathan?" I sighed looking at Sam.

"Sort of like demons." He answered.

"Dean what is she doing here?" Cas interrupted Sam.

"My aren't you a welcoming host." I added sarcastically whilst walking into the bedroom.

"Is that sarcasm?" He said following me.

"Cas leave her alone" Dean asked politely, although I could see he was getting irritated by his friend. I looked at Cas and saw him looking at Dean with the same blank and confused look. I held out my hand in a sign of friendship. Gingerly he took it and I waited for the images to flood my mind, but never saw any, then loads came flooding in only...they were my memories.

I pulled my hand away looking at him. "What are you?" I asked scared out of my wits.

"I'm an Angel" he replied matter of factly. "You are not fully human." He looked at Sam and Dean "I would like a word with you two." He looked me and then back to the guys. "Alone." The three of them left me to get dress, I could hear them in the hall.

"Dean I don't like her!"

"Cas you're kidding right? You don't even know her!" Sam said almost frustrated.

"Exactly I can't get a read on her non human part."

"Cas seriously, dude she's Bobby's Goddaughter. What harm can she do?" Dean chuckled and I heard his walk away. The other two must have followed as I couldn't hear anything else.

"You know it's rude to eavesdrop!" I spun round at the sound of a husky British voice. Standing in the middle of my room was a man dressed in black.

I folded my arms. "Who are you?"

He smiled and bowed "Crowley King of Hell."

"Uh huh...well you majesty I've had it up to here with people materialising in front and behind me." I turned and stormed out the room and towards Dean, Cas and Sam. "You guys, seriously need an alarm system of some sort." They turned to look at me. "Some guy called Crowley popped into my room."

Dean looked at Sam "I thought he was dead."

"You can't get rid of me that easy little squirrel." He laughed joining the four of us. "Nice place you have here." He said as he looked around. " I haven't seen this part only the dungeon." He stalked towards me and I found myself backing up in fear. I bumped into Dean and reached for him, withing seconds my head was filling with memories. I blocked them out, after all it was rude to eavesdrop. I could feel Cas looking at me all the time and it was annoying. I could also hear a voice in my head, one I hadn't heard before and it was making me feel dizzy and sick, before I knew it I had collapsed and blacked out.

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