Chapter 5

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(Written in third person)

Back in the church!
"What do you mean she's gone?" Dean shouted "She was here five minutes ago. Cas, man can you sense her or something?"

Cas looked at his friend with a blank expression, "Dean I'm not some supernatural radio. And to answer your question no I can't." Cas sat down on a pew. "It's as though she's turned off her good side. But seen as she's new to all this I doubt she'd know how!"

"So she must have some help. Who do we know that can do that?" They all looked at one another.

"Crawley" the all said in unison.

"Hey I have nothing to do with this." Sam spun at the sound of Crawleys voice. "What's the matter moose did I scare you?" He smirked at Sam and turned to Dean and the others. "I don't know who this girl is, but I have a source who says she's is at a roadhouse on Route 66." Dean got up to leave. "Might want to be careful little squirrel." He said placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's full of Demons." With that he disappeared quicker than he appeared.

"So what do we do that's like an hour and a half away." Dean said. "I'll call her to tell her to leave."

"Dean don't we don't want her scared as it will draw attention to her." Sam said sympathetically. "Let's just go and get her. Deal with whatever is there if it comes to it." They all nodded at Sam and left the church.

Meanwhile back at the roadhouse Lexi was coming round. Opening her eyes she saw people stood over her. "You ok sweetie?" A woman with black hair kind goth looking asked her as she sat up slowly. "You had quite a fall."

"Yea I'm fine, just had a massive headache like firecrackers going off all at once in my head." She looked at the woman who was handing her some water. "How long was I out?"

"A few minutes!" A guy on a table close to her said. He stood up slowly and walked over to her as she stood slowly. "This little lady knows the Winchesters!" No sooner had he said that all black eyes were back on her and some even started to attack her.

Lexi let out a shrill like scream, as she did there was a bright light that filled the roadhouse leaving her blinded. Both the light and blindness lasted a few moments. When her sight returned she found herself alone, except for a few piles of what she could only guess as the demon held people. Collapsing to her knees she sobbed. "Who am I? What am I?" She quietly asked herself. Then she asked again screaming the words towards the sky in hope that someone higher up would hear. Sure enough in the blink of an eye God himself turned up.

"Lexi!" He said placing his arms around her shoulders. She collapsed against him and mumbled incoherently. "I'm sorry I can't hear a word you're saying." Lexi pulled herself away, wiped her eyes on the back of her hand and composed herself.

"What am I? I have just killed an entire room full of demons. Well I assume it was me." She looked at Chuck as he took in the macabre room.

"How?" He asked some what shocked.

"I screamed. There was a bright light. When it was all over I saw this." She said with a wave of her hand. Chuck nodded half surprised, half impressed.

"Never before has a half breed been able to do this." He said helping Lexi up.

"Half breed?" They turned and saw Dean, Sam and Cas standing there. Lexi sighed to herself. Just what she didn't need when she was going to find out more about herself.

"Yes we know she is half Angel. We just don't know what the other half is." He looked at Lexi. "Your Mother we have found out was a Seraphim." Lexi looked blankly at him. He sighed. "Seraphim or seraphs are high order angels, kind of like my right hand angels." Still she looked at him blankly. "Sort of like an assistant to me."

"Oh right I see. So what am I? Half high Angel?" Chuck nodded. Cas walked slowly up to her.

"I'm sorry!" He said looking at her. "I didn't know. I should have. I knew a Seraph. Her name was Seraphiel. She was a devoted angel. We never knew what happened to her. Just before Father went missing the first time, she vanished as well. Now I know why?" He said rather matter of factly again, yet this time there was a sense of sadness to his voice. Almost as though he felt guilty that she was missing.

"Please tell me you're not my father? She jokingly said to Cas.

He looked at her confused. "How can I be your father when you're a half breed?" She laughed at his innocence patted him on the back and walked away shaking her head. They all - bar chuck - got into the cars and drove back to the bat cave.

From the kitchen a shadow had been watching them. Listening to everything they said. "Seraphiel."

Back at the bat cave they spoke about various things. The subject of Lexis mum never came up. Suddenly the door flew open and down the stairs walked a blonde hair women. Not a day over 30. Lexi recognised her from a picture she saw in the spare room. "You're Mrs Winchester?" She said nearly spilling her beer as she stood.

"I am yes, but you can call me Mary" the blonde woman smiled at her. "You are?"

"I'm sorry. I'm Lexi, Bobby Singers god daughter." She looked at Dean and then at Mary.

"Bobby is or was a friend of dads." He said reminding his mother who Bobby was.

"A yes, the legendary Bobby." She laughed sitting down. "It's nice to meet you Lexi. So what have I missed?" She said getting herself a beer.

"Well." Sam said looking at his mum smiling. "Lexi here is a high order angel offspring." Mary looked at Sam bemused. "Well half high order angel offspring." He corrected himself. "We are trying to figure out who or what her father was/is."

"I keep hearing these voices. One I'm assuming is my mother cus it's all soft and sweet. But the other voice is deep, gravely and literally shakes me to the core." Lexi interjected.

"She took out a whole roadhouse on her own. Happened in the blink of an eye." Dean laughed. "Blink of an eye do you?" He asked

"Yea we get it!" Sam said shaking his head at his brother. "You can be a right douche sometimes."

"I'm not a douche you sleazebag." Dean threw back.

"Ah brotherly love." Their mum said smiling at Lexi. So this voice you hear. The deep one. Does it sound familiar to you or does it remind you of anyone."

Lexi shock her head, then thought for a moment. "When I was younger with the people I thought were my parents. I used to dream that a man was standing over my bed every night talking to me. Telling me stories about magical adventures. Sometimes I thought it was my dad or Bobby. When I mentioned it to them they told me I had been dreaming. So I brushed it off and never saw or heard the voice again." She sighed. "Last year I was redoing my room for my cousin and I found all these markings under the carpet and behind picture frames. I assumed I had drawn them when I was younger. When I went to Bobbys place and went to my room there, it was the same as my bedroom back home."

"Can you remember what these marking were? What they looked like I mean?" Mary asked her.


"Can you draw them for me? Mary asked handing her some paper and a pen. Both Sam and Dean stopped their bickering and joined the conversation. Once Lexi had finished drawing. They all looked at her then at each other. "These are protection markings.

"Yea but for what?" Dean said walking to get some books. For the rest of the night the four of them researched the symbols. Dean, fell asleep half way through the research and didn't wake until Sam yelled that he'd found something causing Dean to fall from his chair and land with a great thud on the floor.

"They are protection markings to ward off high level demons" Sam said looking at Lexi.

(To be continued)

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