Chapter 1

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"Hurry up, Luna!" I heard my brother scream, "We're gonna be late!"

"Coming!" I answered, quickly putting my shoes on and combing one last time through my long, blonde, wavy hair.

I love my brother, but he seriously needs to stop being so annoying in his nervous states. We'll probably get there an hour early. I mean like, yeah X Factor is a big thing and Louis has a good chance of winning it. But he just needs to relax and 'go with the flow' as he would say if he wasn't that nervous.

Louis, my mom and I got into the car and headed off to the studio. "Sing something, Louis." I suggested, which made him give me a weird look.

"Why would I do that?"

"You need to practice, you know, for your audition..." I said, immediately regretting it because I know it only makes him more nervous.

"Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City

I'm a thousand miles away

But girl tonight you look so pretty, yes you do

Times Square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true"

I didn't saw it coming, but he actually started to sing for me. It made me so proud. Hearing my brother's beautiful voice and he is only 18! Imagine that when he's like 20.

"That song is made for you and you're going to do just great!" I said, patting him on the back. I received a smile from him, finally. The first smile in ages! The stress isn't good for him.

We finally arrived after an hour or so. When Louis saw all the people outside of the building, his eyes grew wider and wider.

"I changed my mind. Let's go back home!" He said, instantly turning around.

"Oi! Are you a Tommo or not? 'Cause Tommo's never give up!" I tried my best to inspire him a bit while blocking his path.

"You're right, I guess..." He spoke with his head bent down.

While walking to those giant doors, there was someone that caught my attention. A tall frame was stood next to them. Maybe he wasn't that tall when you compare him to Louis. He looks tall to me, but so does everyone else in this world. I blame my short legs for my small figure.

I was so deepened in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that the door fell shut right in front of me. It was the loud bang of me walking into it that made the tall figure from before help me back up.

I had a perfect view on his face at this moment. Dimples in his cheeks as he smiled at me. Beautiful green eyes. A curve around his full lips which made him show his lovely teeth. But the best of all, the curly hair perfectly falling round his face. "Hey, are you alright?"

His question made me slip out of my thoughts immediately.

"I am now..." I can't believe I just said that, like how stupid could I be?

He just chuckled. But damn has he got one sexy chuckle.

"I guess this isn't a good first impression, is it?" I spat out. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb!

He had a big, cheeky smile on his face which made me nervous. He opened his mouth but right before he could say it, Louis called "Luna! Come on! We ain't got all day young lady!"

I quickly turned around as I saw my escape, "Sorry, gotta go..."

"I'll see you around... Luna."

Great. Public humiliation in front of a hot guy and now he also knows my name. Couldn't start my day a better way...


I was just wandering around, attempting to find my older brother. Not a big success. But after a while, I finally found him. I was just approaching him when I saw he was busy talking to two incredible hot guys. This place is full of them. I love it.

"Oh hey! Luna come here!" Louis yelled.

"Now this is my amazing little sister who I mentioned before," He started introducing me to the guys, "but you can't date her. I won't let you."

Oh great... Louis being protective once again.

"Watch her. I need to pee." He randomly said while walking away.

"Hii!" One of the guys happily called, "I'm Liam and this is Zayn."

"Luna, nice to meet you guys." I said, awkwardly shaking their hands.

The one with the straightened brown hair, whose name is Liam I think, looks kinda protective to me. The type that would never cheat and always does the romantic stuff. The good boys who always get friendzoned. That spot on his neck is so cute though...

And then the second one. I think his name was something like Zack. He looks like he was dropped as a baby... In a pool of sexy. Puberty is doing great on this kid! He also had a sexy accent but that doesn't take away his 'bad boy' looks.

You know the awkward silences nobody wants to be involved in? Yeah, it wasn't like that.

We all started laughing like we've already been friends for ages. These guys were so cool.

"Having a good time without me, huh?" Louis said, like the drama queen he is.

A few moments later, the tall guy from before walked out of the men's room. He was just looking around, probably searching for his family, I guess.

"HARRY!" Louis called beside me, "We're over here!" He finished and stood up, waving like a moron.

The tall guy from before has a name now, Harry. Now we're even cause, you know, he knew my name and now I know his too... Gosh why must I be such an idiot with the lamest thoughts ever.

Of course Louis didn't go unnoticed and who I assume to be Harry, was approaching quickly. Eyes scanning the aria around Louis and then locking on me. He must've recognized me, it's not that hard if you think about the girl who ran into the doors earlier.

"Hey Louis." He said, finally looking away from me and to Louis.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" I asked, again stupidly 'cause they wouldn't know their names otherwise.

"Yeah we just met in the restroom."

In the restroom? Seriously? Couldn't find a better place to start a bromance. This is going to be good.

"Hey Luna." Harry turned his head towards me again. It made me jump a bit because I didn't see that one coming. And neither did Louis apparently, his face was priceless. Seeking for an explanation.

"So have you guys met before?" He asked.

"Yeah she ran into a door." Harry said with a smirk. Louis, Liam and Zack started to tear up from laughter. This is going to chase me forever.

The boys were all distracted, still laughing. Harry then saw his chance and drove me into a corner, my back pressed against a wall. My hands pressed on either sides of my head to keep me in place. This guy was straight to point. Maybe a little too fast if you ask me. He came closer, his lips pressed to my ear. "You might need this..."

He said with his raspy voice while releasing one of my hands to shove something in my back pocket. And the kid took his time, discovering my bum like we're the only two people in the room.


Louis' voice could be heard through the whole room, not caring if other strangers could hear the upcoming conversation.

Harry pulled back, giving me a quick, cheeky wink before walking to Louis.

Let's hope we all survive this...

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