Chapter 2

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Oh-ow… I’m screwed now, thanks a lot weird Harry dude.

His head was in the same direction as mine while Louis was storming towards us,

“I’m gonna ask it 1 more time, EXPLAIN THIS  SHIT!”

I was shitting bricks to be honest. I’ve never seen my brother this mad before and I’ve known him my whole life! In the 16 years living with him, growing up with him and fighting with him, he never acted like this. Ever. But Harry didn’t really seem to take him serious,

“Well mate, actually it’s not a question-“

“YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! Luna, can I speak to you for a second please?”

Louis asked. His voice suddenly sounds way softer, it was like he was feeling me getting uncomfortable in this state of his. I couldn’t even answer him or I was pulled away to a more quiet place.

“What the fuck was that about Luna?” His voice now caring but stern.

“Wanna know the truth?” I asked him, he nodded.

“I don’t know. I don’t fucking know, okay? I don’t even know the dude! I mean, yeah he picked me up but that was because I ran into a door! I didn’t even know his name until you called him!” My voice was cracking when I got to the last part. It was all true though. When I  broke the eye contact between us, I took a glimpse to my right. Trying to see what Harry was doing. He was just staring… Ain’t you got nothing better to do, boy? I turned back to Louis.

“Ok but what did he put in your pocket then?” He asked, curiously. I was shocked of how good he was taking this… But how should I know? He didn’t even give me the chance to see. I pulled a small piece of paper out of my pocket. The only thing written on it was his number. God, did this guy really think he could just pull me in by shoving a stupid piece of paper in my pocket? HELL TO THE NO!

Louis took it from my hands so he could see it. The look on his face was made of confusion. He looked up, straight to Harry. They had eye contact for a while, with some creepy, silent conversation apparently cause they both ended up laughing. Even though they were like 50 feet away from each other.

“He’s cool, Luna. Just don’t mess around okay?” He said before patting me on the back and walking off to the group we were stood with before. This just can’t get any weirder.

I followed him closely, not wanting to be left alone. Harry just stood there with a smirk on his face while Liam and Zack were just having a little chitchat.

“Don’t lose that special piece of paper…” Harry whispered in my ear when I stood once again next to him. It gave me shivers through my whole body. I may be 16 years old, the age of discovering, but I’ve never met a guy who was so obvious about what he wanted.

“I don’t have it anymore…” I told him, looking him straight in the eye.

“What do you mean?” His raspy voice asked, with a confused look on his face and bending down a little bit more so he was on eyelevel.

“My brother took it and never gave it back.” It was now my turn to turn my face into a very pretty smirk. Louis heard our conversation and gave me a sneaky ‘thumbs up’ when I looked in his direction.

Before Harry could answer me, I turned back to Louis and asked if I needed to get him something to drink. I need an escape, I mean yeah I was loving the attention I got from this really hot and curly guy but he needs to slow down just a bit. I received a “Nah, thanks” from Louis so I decided I wanted a drink.

“Wait, Luna! I’ll go with you!” I heard someone say from behind me.

“Oh no, that’s alright Zack. I can go by myself.” I answered him, making my way to the bar.

I was surprised when he was suddenly stood beside me, “It’s Zen.” He said with a chuckle and one of the hottest accents I’ve EVER heard! I feel dumb though, for thinking his name was ‘Zack’ this whole time. Ah whatever, Zayn sounds prettier.

“I’m sorry! It’s a very nice name you got there!” I spitted out just a bit too fast. He probably thinks I’m some kind of idiot right now.

“Haha, you’re cute.” He quietly said, looking down to his feet.

A stupid giggle escaped my mouth and my cheeks turned red in just a second. What’s up with all these guys that are straight to the point today? I liked this better, though. It wasn’t that sexual, more sweet and cute. This guy was sweet and cute. Zayn was sweet and cute.

“What do you want? This one’s on me.” He offered, looking back up. His cheeks turned red as well. Good to know I wasn’t the only one.

There was one more boy in front of us. While grabbing his wallet from his back pocket, he dropped something but he didn’t notice. “Oi, mate. You dropped this.” Zayn said, picking up something what looked like a plectrum and handing it back to the boy.

“Thanks a lot, pal!” This boy looked Irish! I mean he had an Irish accent! His hair was all fluffy and messy, the blonde was rocking him. Damn.

“You play the guitar?!” I once again spitted out. I really need to stop doing that so I can get rid of my ‘retard image’.

The Irish kid started laughing. Oh my God! His laugh is so contagious! I love it!

“Yeah I do! You play the guitar too?” He asked.  Damn his accent was killing me! Asdfghjkl;:! I almost forgot to reply to him.

“Yeah buddy! For 2 years now!” I was getting so excited thanks to this kid.

“That’s so cool! What song do you love playing most?” When we got to this question, the 3 of us were already standing at a quieter place, chatting along.

“I’m Yours by Jason Mraz.” I simply replied, I just couldn’t believe how I didn’t meet this guy until now.

“MINE TOO OMG!” He screamed, jumping up and down with me. “So you’re auditioning?” he questioned me. He questions me a lot, the only thing he did since we’ve met.

“Nah, I’m just here to support my brother. I sing like shit compared to him.” I replied with a smile. He shook Zayn’s hand, “Wow, according to your sister, you must be really good!”

Me and Zayn shared a glance together. What was he talking about? Oh wait! He must’ve think Zayn’s my…

“Oh, I think you got it wrong. I’m a friend, not her brother, but I’m auditioning as well.” Zayn explained. “I’m Zayn, by the way. And this lovely girl is Luna, we’ve met a few minutes ago. But it clicked immediately, ain’t that right Luna?” Zayn asked me while putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer. I nodded with one of the biggest smiles on my face. I’ve got hot friends. YEAH BUDDY!

“Haha!” The Irish dude laughed again, “You 2 seem pretty cool! I’m Niall Horan, also auditioning!”

I swear to God, every boy with a talent that is in this room is so damn hot. Except my brother. I mean he wasn’t that bad looking but it’s just weird to say things like that about your brother. I bet other girls think he’s a beast?

We decided to go back to the other boys but we took Niall with us. After the introductions, it wasn’t that hard to  start a conversation. It felt like we were friends for ages. Pretty funny if you ask me. I’ll be walking around with 5 hot dudes behind me saying “Watch out! My gang’s coming through!”

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