Chapter 11

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When we got back home, everybody just chilled and I decided to grab my laptop and watch some series. I grabbed my brother's headphones aswell so I wouldn't 'bother' them with the 'noise'. After I was decently settled in my very comfortable bed, I plugged the headphones in, opened Firefox and opened a website where you can watch series online for free. I typed in Friends and zoned out for the next two maybe three hours, binge watching season 4. It's not that I wanted to stop watching, it's just that the boys needed attention I guess...

We had absolutely nothing planned the next day, it just kind of was our day off. Which we were all very excited about. We got bored quickly in our enormous suite so we all just decided we would go to the beach, instead of getting fat by being couch potatoes. "But isn't the beach like very like far away from here?" Harry questioned with his very slow voice. I took one of the bags from him so he didn't have to carry everything by himself. "Yes it is..." Liam began, "but Simon's assistant told Louis and myself there's this tiny beach a couple miles away from here and it's really cool apparantly, we might shoot our video there so we wanted to check it out aswell." Harry nodded and started getting hyped together with Niall and dropped like everything he was carrying. I wanted to pick it up, but my clumsiness took over once again and I also dropped a couple things.

"Here let me give you a hand" I heard Zayn's offer and saw his gorgeous smile when I looked up to him. I smiled back. I don't know why I didn't say 'thank you' or 'that would be nice' but I just couldn't get a word out. I guess you could say I was paralyzed by that boy and his gorgeous features. He got me out of my trans after waving his hand in front of my face and accidently hitting my nose, "Oh! Oh my god! I'm so so sorry!" He yelled grabbing my face. "Zayn calm down it's okay it didn't even hurt" I smiled, our faces were like 2 inches away from each other and he was still cupping my cheeks when I drowned in his gorgeous brown eyes. Everything about him is gorgeous, he is gorgeous. I saw his eyes go from mine to my lips and back to my eyes, I couldn't help it but bite my lip. We both leaned in and then

"Hey hey heeey there love birds were you just about to kiss?!" Niall cheered. "Well not anymore!" I groaned being a bit frustrated with him at the moment. Zayn just smiled, his cheeks flushed red and when I pinched them a little bit he looked down, still smiling. "Well there's plenty of time for kisses by the bonfire or in the sea, in the car, maybe even at sunset! Let's go finish packing and loading up the car so we can get going shall we?" Now Niall's the perfect example of a really excited person today. Zayn and I got up, grabbed everything and carried it out to the car, we dropped everything and started walking back inside when he put his arm around my waist. It felt so right and so good you can't even imagine. I rested my head against his shoulder.

"Everybody ready to go?"  I heard someone yell, I couldn't really figure out whose voice it was but it didn't bother me. I quickly ran up to my room one more time to grab my blanket, because I knew I'd be cold by the beginning of the night if not earlier. I jogged back downstairs where I saw Zayn waiting for me, "Ready love?" he asked and I nodded a yes and gave him a quick smile. He kissed the side of my head, put his arm around my shoulder and we walked to the van in which we put all the stuff earlier. I crawled in the van over Harry's long legs and sat in the middle with Zayn by my other side, Niall in the back with all the stuff and Liam and Louis in the front, Louis driving of course. "So let's play car games!" the excited little leprachaun screamed. We played The Singing Game the longest, it's a game where someone starts singing a lyric and the next one had to continue with a different song lyric and so on. It went a little like this:

Louis:   I  kissed a girl and I liked iiiit
Liam:   Cause baby tonight DJ got us fallin' in love again
Luna:   Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Niall:   Rah rah ah-ah-ah ro mah ro-mah-mah Gaga oh-la-la want your bad romance

We continued doing stupid shit like the alphabet thing where you get a subject and have to go all the way down the alphabet and the number game where you try to count to twenty but you can't say the same number at the same time or have a five second pause and it's always one person at a time. But it was fun everybody enjoyed it and we were there before we even knew it. We climbed out of the car and gasped in unison. This beach was so dope there was this beach house kind of thingy which we could explore and then this high guard chair and trees that had fallen over so we could climb on them, it was so cool. I got my towel and spread it in the middle of the beach, far enough from the water. The boys did the same thing but didn't lay down with me so I was the only one getting a tan. I took off my shorts and loose tank top and got comfortable, readjusting the sand a little. "Hi beautiful" I heard Harry's voice say. I took off my aviators and looked at him, he was smirking which made these cute dimples appear on his face. "Hi handsome" I replied, giving him a wink. "Do you need someone to rub you in with some sun lotion?" He questioned, winking back at me while getting some lotion on his hands. "Haha nice try, Styles. Maybe later I don't need it right now, but thanks though I'll keep the offer in mind." I smiled back, expecting him to leave so I could put my earplugs in, but he didn't.

"So how come we haven't been able to talk that much lately?" It was a good question to which I didn't know the answer either. "Hmmm I don't really know to be honest with you" I mumbled, laying down on my stomach while resting my head on my hand and looking at his features, maybe a little at his abs aswell. "Well I think we should change it then. How 'bout a game of 21 questions?" Harry suggested and I agreed of course I love that game.

After a couple boring and basic questions it was Harry's turn again and he paused for a second. "How do you feel about me?" He asked. I turned my head so I could look straight at him and gave his question some thought. "Well... I think you're really handsome and you can be sweet at times" I said with a wink,"is that it?" He asked me, wanting to hear a different answer. "and you're also a little bit funny-"

"A little bit?!" He yelled right in my ear, "what, so you mean I'm not the funniest guy you've ever met in your entire life? How's that even possible!" I couldn't help but laugh so hard at his reaction, he was so butthurt I loved it. "Well you know what, I don't think you're funny either!" He said, which left me completely shook. I mean come on, am I not the biggest party there is on this planet? We obviously had a little disagreement which ended in a serious WWE-match in the sand. 

"Ahhh yuck!" I yelled, because a couple minutes before I'd put some sunscreen on my legs, stomach and face. So yeah I kind of looked like a sand monster now. "I can help with that" Harry said while lifting me over his shoulder and running to the sea. It didn't matter how hard I yelled at him to stop, he was too focused on throwing me in. But it was really fun, actually, because now the six of us were together playing in the water and splashing around. Even Zayn was in, despite being afraid of the sea or any kind of water area.

We got out after a while and ate our sandwiches that we brought along. "I just love the warmth of the sun in my face..." I said with my eyes closed and facing the sun. "I love the warmth, because that puts you in a bikini" Harry whispered in my ear, but a little too loud because Louis heard it, "oookayyy that's enough move over you dirty pig" he said while squeezing his butt in between Harry and me. Which made everyone laugh, except poor Harry of course.

We had such a great time that time flew by so quickly. "We should probably head back soon, it's getting colder" Zayn suggested, but was soon cut off by Lou "Noooo I really want to watch the sunset..." I got up and got the blanket I brought out of one of the bags, before sitting down next to Zayn and putting the blanket on top of us, "I was a little chilly as well" I smiled at him and he put his arm around me. "A bonfire would be perfect right now" Harry said and we all laughed, because that was our thing at Harry's house. Every night we made a bonfire.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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