Chapter 1 - I'm Alone

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Hello, hello
Anybody out there? Cause I don't hear a sound
Alone, alone
I don't really know where the world is but I miss it now

You sat on the street watching as other people walked by. They only looked at you in disgust. You had lost your house, your job, your life....all of it. You were now just on the street living in rags. No one ever gave you money for even a decent meal. No one ever would. You looked forward to the day you died. It would be the day that no one ever cared and no one would continue to care. Forever. You were unknown and ready to die.

You saw all kinds of fights go on the streets. You watched as people entered restaurants and walked out with food, warm and fresh. All you got were scraps from the dumpster....whatever. It's not like you cared. Life was hopeless. No one cared or showed compassion. You were used to it. You were ready for it.


You looked over and saw a boy with light blond hair and sunglasses on. You looked around to see if someone else were around but no, he was talking to you. You looked at the ground shyly and felt as though someone cared....someone actually cared.

"what are you doing here in this awful dump?"

" live here....." you said, your voice hoarse.

"come on. get up. come on and live with least until you get back up off your feet."

Are you serious? Someone as amazing and cool and probably rich as this guy is letting me stay with him? Whoa. What's wrong with this guy? Is this a prank?

"so...what's your name?"


"i'm dave. i think we will be hangin around for a lil while."

"Oh, okay...." you said, your cheeks reddening. What the hell was happening? Wow, this guy's kinda cute...what were you saying?! He was way out of your league....You're lucky he let you into his house....jeez....You sighed. You wondered how long you were going to stay with Dave. You wondered how long you were gonna stay at all....

Dave Strider X Reader {Echo} Heart Without a HomeWhere stories live. Discover now