Meeting Him in 15

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I was bored as fuck today. This happened once in a while. All of my friends are enjoying their summer. And as for me? I'm degrading doing nothing in my room. Just talking to myself while I look in the mirror.

How do I look? I question the figure in the mirror, which is me by the way.

Not bad.

That means not good either.

You all must think I'm self obsessed or something. I'm not.

Well no one will agree that they are self obsessed or not.

I AM NOT! And trust me when I say this.

I do this a lot. Talking to myself I mean. You can't blame me, for now I have no friends. They've all gone somewhere leaving me alone.
They had asked me whether I would come but at the very same time my wonderful mom had to deny with me. She said she needs my help in something. That is why I had to stay back.

All I can do is scroll through Google plus or be on Facebook or something else. My mom, she's gone out to do some grocery shopping.

Now, I'm on laptop, seeing some posts. Funny, very, must say.

There's one post which is so damn true. There's Dora, you all know her right? The one with a large head? Ook. I'm assuming you all do. So she's, I don't know standing or doing what in that Sea. The same picture is above as well as below. She's asking 'can you tell me where it's the see?' There's a rage face besides it captioning 'Your standing it.' Then again the second picture of her saying, 'where is it?, I can't see it.'

Anyone and I mean anyone will roll eyes at this. Cmon seriously you've got so big eyes, you're standing in it... Can't you fucking see it?!

I scroll some more and see some really funny posts. God, I should regularly see this. It really entertains.

One more post, "What if you were to get married at the age formed by the last two digits of your mobile number? Comment below, what's your age."

I commented 99. Cause my mobile number ends with it, obvious I know. There are many comments like 01, 55, etc etc....

It's really interesting. Can make some friends here. How wonderful that'd be. Friends all over the world!

It's almost evening. Whole day was a waste. Could've done something productive if I was with my friends. But never mind my mom needs me so I am here.

She came back after an hour so so. Made us dinner. We always had the mom and daughter talks. She asked me everyday loads of questions. How was you day? What did you do? Was it good or bad? And what not. I liked talking to my mom. Well she was the only family that I had. No siblings, no dad. My dad died in a plane crash while coming back home. He worked overseas. He did leave us a hefty amount in case anything happened. My mom has job. But she doesn't have to be like 'work work work'. We didn't starve if she didn't go to work for a day. To sum that up, we're living a pretty good life. But I miss my dad, a lot.

When we first heard the news, my mom and me both were wrecked. But then she had to compose herself. She had to care of everything now. And then there's me.

Anyways, today I'm here. I do the dishes and go back to my room. I'm not sleepy yet. So.....

Google plus!

I start my laptop and I'm just going through it. I see a post by some guy named 'Riley Hunter'. It's a post about beards, more like a poll. It says 'Guys with beard and moustaches or clean shaven?'. I'm pretty sure this post is for girls.

I obviously chose clean shaven . The two most things that I hate in the world are pigeons and second beards & moustaches. Obviously, there are some exceptions. But still.

I go further to read the comments. The same person who posted this poll had written a comment that said, "There's a word for guys without moustaches and beards.......... girls."

This really got me. Many had agreed with him. But I didn't and never will. I commented further, "Really? Then what will you call all those guys outside without them, huh? Girls?"

I huffed and went on further with my scrolling.

Then after a while I reached the point where I was about to pass out anytime soon. My eyes had become heavy and it was already midnight. So I shut my laptop.

I then changed into sleepwear and switching all the lights. I dozed off.


Words: 790

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