Meeting Him in 12

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Donald Connor above

See what I'm talkin about?

Happy Reading :)

"Surprise." Said Dakota grinning widely.

Donald Fucking Connor!

"You planned all this?!" It was more like a statement than a question.

"Well--" He trailed off.

"You dope. Why didn't you tell me before, he was visiting us?" I asked. Donald yet doesn't know that we're here.

"Well if I clearly remember, I did say 'Surprise' when we got here." He said but not before rolling his eyes at me.

"Hmm. You did. Look, let's make wait a little bit more." I suggested.

"What? We're already late here OK? You know he doesn't like being late." He explained.

I scoff. If only he had informed me.....

"Wow! Really? Thanks man for the little piece." I say in fake enthusiasm.

He again did an eye roll. At this frequency, sure thing his eyes will part ways.

"Cmon, I'm being serious." He said.

"So am I, douche." I mock him.

"Okay." He finally agreed.

We sat in the car for like five minutes. We were keeping an eye on him. We saw two girls passing by. Both blondes and pretty. Oh, for a player like Donald he's so gonna get their numbers in like fifteen minutes.

"I bet fifty bucks, he's gonna get numbers of both of them." I said out loud.

"Nah. I don't think so." He said looking at them in while shaking his head in disapproval.

Duh...We're talking about Donald here.

"Well I do. Just watch." I said in full confidence.

As they are to pass by Donald puts on so called 'charming smile' to impress them. And I don't know how but it works every damn time. It did, just now.

The three of them are talking now, Donald is smiling and the blondes are giggling while looking at each other.

And her come the mobile phone out. He gives his mobile phone to one of them, she types something furiously on the screen and hands it over to him.

They bid goodbyes.

"Why do I smell fifty bucks coming?" I ask grinning widely.

"Here." He hands over the bills to me.

Well you all must be confused as to what the heck is going on! I'll enlighten you.

Donald Connor is back. It was me, Dakota and Donald before he decided to leave this place, well more like his Mom and Dad did. We were and still are a trio. He was gone for almost two years. He's in college now. And also two years elder to us.

And Sir Dakota decides to surprise me, with him visiting us.

Time to lighten some mood now!

"Come on, let's go." I say to him.

"Yup. Sure."

We both get out from the car and walk toward Donald. He sees us a second later and grins widely. As far as my knowledge, he's waiting for me to get surprised or something like that.

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