Meeting Him in 14

22 1 1

Jamie Lee McAdams above

Happy Reading! :)


"Cmon Jamie, get off the bed already!" My mom called out for me, well more like yelled at me.

"Let me sleep Ma, its Summer Vacations!" I yell back.

Why doesn't she let me sleep till late? She clearly knows that I'm not a morning person.

I open my one eye to check what the time is, its its...I don't know I can't see clearly! I groan and open both my eyes whilst rubbing them....its fucking 9 in the morning! Who gets up this early during holidays!

I hear foot steps coming up to my room, they are my moms obviously. I purposely cover myself under the duvet. Even my face is completely covered. The door clicks open.


I don't hear her voice for a while, she went back?

I slowly try to lower the duvet to see whether she's gone or not when all of a sudden the whole duvet is taken off me. For a minute my eyes widen and I literally feel like I'm naked which I'm not.

"Get your ass down. Now!" She orders throwing the duvet in the corner and exits the room.

I try to take in everything. What in the fucking hell was that!!!

She never did this to me. Guess I didn't know my mother well.

Anyways now that I'm completely awake, I have to move my lazy butt down.

I get outta my bed and head downstairs. Just to see what's there for breakfast.

Aahhh! Bacon. I love it. Pair it with eggs. I super love it!

I quickly run upstairs again. Get showered and after changing I head back downstairs. Just to see that someone is there sitting on MY chair. I frown as I head towards MY chair but then the frown turns into a wide smile as I come to know who is here.


I tip toe towards him and action my mom to keep quiet.

"Hi Lee." He says without even looking back at me and I am 100 percent sure that he's grinning right now.

I pout and hug him from behind.

"This is so not fair. How'd you know?" I say to him and then kiss him on the cheek.

"I know you inside out darling." He says in a matter of fact.

Meet Dakota. He's my other half, I'd like to say. He does know me inside out...But still! I and him are inseparable. For us its like, what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours. If that makes any sense.

"Yeah right." I roll my eyes. "But seriously, how?" I ask again.

I say taking place next to him. Only two people are allowed to sit on MY chair, one is me of course the other is sitting on it right now.

"Well to be honest, I heard a hush so yeah...." He shrugs.

I suck at sneaking. Need an improvement. Definitely.

I mutter a curse under my breath whilst taking a plate an picking out three strips of bacon for myself.

As I take the first bite I can't stop a moan coming from the fabulous thing that I just ate.

"God, I'd marry the person who invented this thing!" I say out loud.

"Jeez, why are you so obsessed with them?" He rolls his eyes.

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