Meeting Him in 13

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Dakota Charles Winston above

Happy Reading :)


Yaaaaaay!! Awesomest feeling in the world when winning over a fight!

"What is wrong with you?" Dakota chirps.

I raise a eye brow.

"Its a legit question, what's wrong? You know that situation when something is not right? That is called wrong? Oh how do I--"

"I know what you've asked! Stupid." I cut him off.

"Then why'd you not reply in the first time?" He asked again.

"Did you give me a chance to?" I shot back accusingly.

"Okay okay, now shoot." He ordered.

"I won a fight." I grinned again.

"Fight? What fight? Which fight? Are you hurt or something? How do I don't know about it? Huh? Does Mom know? Didn't she say anything?" He asked all the questions in a single breath.

I wonder from where that energy comes for him to speak so fast and way too much?

"Can I?" I asked first before I tell him everything.

He nodded while rolling his eyes.

"I won a fight with that Riley guy? That one I met on the internet? On his post I commented and I got many likes? Remember him?" I asked him while gesturing with my hands God knows what!

"Yeah what about him?" He asked getting impatient.

"I won against him. Over a fight!" I said grinning.

"Oh." He said the word forming 'O' with his lips.



That is it?!

"Oh?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah?" He getting slightly confused.

"I won a freaking fight and all you have to say is 'oh?' ?" I almost yell.

Jeez, why are you making a big deal out if it?

Because it is a fucking big deal! Just kidding.......Just toying with him.

"You are clearly more dramatic then I am." He says with an eye roll.

I smiley slyly at him, "Learned from the Best."

"Common now move your butt out from here. We're going out." Charles say locking his phone.

"We're going..." I drag the sentence so that he could complete it and looking expectantly at him for an answer.

"Somewhere. Now get changed quickly." He completes.

"Okaaaaaaay?" I give him a quizzical look and continue,"Wait outside, I'll change quickly."

I shut my lappie and get up to walk near my wardrobe to find something to wear.

"Why?" He asks simply.

Yeah right. As of I'm gonna change in front of him, right here.

"What do you mean by why? Just get lost." I say while looking at him and then turn away after I'm done saying again to my wardrobe.

"I've seen you before like that." He replies simply.

"Oh. Right. LIKE A DECADE AGO!". I yell the last sentence and continue,"Now get out.!" I point my hand towards the door.

Meeting HimWhere stories live. Discover now