Meeting Him in 11

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Happy Reading :)


"Welcome home Don" , I said to him while grinning.

We all went to my house after eating from Uncle Ben's. Most of time we spent on remembering our past days, pointing out those embarrassing moments and smiling at the good memories we all shared.

That means we talked a lot. Really.

My Mom was back by 5 in the evening and was surprised to see Don here. Obviously. He disappeared all of a sudden and now came outta no where. That's counted as a surprise, right?

Well, I think so yeah.

She made us dinner. It was Don's favorite today.

Of course she had to make that.

After that both of them decided to leave. Charles had some sorta homework to do. He could've done it here, right? Nevertheless.

Don went back telling me that he had things to be taken care of. I just shrugged.

Now I'm here all alone thinking of what to do. I'm wide awake right now. I already finished all my homework and other stuff.

Other stuff?

Yeah, I don't know. Just for the effect, I guess.

Anyways, so I started my laptop and logged into Google plus. I was just scrolling down pages. I did have many notifications bit decided to ignore them. Because they were really silly and annoying posts from the communities that I joined last time I was here.

A chat box popped on my screen. It was him. By him I mean Riley.

Riley : Hello :)

"Someone's cheery." I muttered under my breath.

Dreamer : Grew some beard? ;p

Gotta take that smile of his face.

Riley : Hello to you too. I'm great. Thank You very much for asking -_-

Dreamer : Anytime ;)

Riley : You seriously have to rub the fucking thing on my face?!

Dreamer : What? I don't remember rubbing anything on your face.

Riley : Oh playing innocent are we?

Dreamer: I don't know what you're talking about.

Riley : *sighs*

Dreamer : =)

Riley: Can I know your name?

Dreamer : How about a no?

Riley : Come on, it's just a name.

Dreamer : Exactly! What's in a name?

Riley : Stop quoting Shakespeare :/

Dreamer : So you read eh?

Riley : Yes I do. And don't try to divert the topic. Come on tell me what's your name?

Dreamer : Ooo na na what's my name? Ooo na na what's my name?

Riley : Rihanna? Are you shitting me? -.-

Dreamer : It's Jamie.

Riley : You seem interesting, Jams.

Dreamer : Duh and ROFL XD Jams?

Riley : Yeah laugh at it. I suck at giving nick names.

Dreamer : What time is it where you live?

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