15. Kellin Quinn (Does rank matter?)

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Can you do one with kellin Quinn where youre in P E class and he sees you getting bullied and he helped you he then ask you to be your girlfriend because you had a crush on him and he had a crush on you and he was like one of the popular ones at school  

Sure! (: Requested by @bandgeek3456 

(Y/N) = Your Name 


You were jogging in your itchy gym uniform. You could feel beads of sweat roll off your forehead as you tried to keep up to the other girls in your class. You were envious of the boys..they got to run after the girls. You keep pushing yourself as you turn and look over at Kellin. He was so beautiful, that smile of his killed you every time you looked..

You had no shot with Kellin what so ever, he was popular and you were..well lets just say, no one would notice if you missed a day..except for Katelynne. She tormented you to no end, and it was obvious that she was in love with Kellin. You sigh as you can feel yourself starting to tire out. Just as you were getting close to catching up a foot comes out in front of you. You try your best to break your fall with the palm of your hands but end up landing slightly on your face. 

You look up to see Katelynne laughing with her little minions. You could feel tears well up in your eyes, but you weren't going to show her that she won. "Wow (Y/N), have a nice trip?" Katelynne said snickering. "Yeah! See you next fall!" One of her minions pipped up laughing. Katelynne glared at her and shook her head. You look down to see you were bleeding slightly. Katelynne kept pointing and laughing at you. 

You hear feet come towards you and look up to find Kellin standing in front of you. Katelynne made a disgusted sound as she walked away. Kellin held his hand out in front of you and helped you up. You looked down to hide the red that was showing in your cheeks. "Thanks Kellin.." You say quietly. You start to walk away before Kellin grabs your wrist.

"Wait (Y/N)!" You turn around and feel Kellin pull you into a hug. "Are you okay?" You nod slightly and hug him back. "Good..I wanted to tell you something...I like you (Y/N).." Your eyes start to widen. "I like you too Kellin.." You say blushing. Kellin lifts your face to look at his. "Well then, (Y/N), will you be my girlfriend? I promise I will never let a person harm you." Your eyes widen and nod. "Yes Kellin." You smile and hug him again. "Good." He says lightly kissing your forehead. 

I am sorry! This is all I could come up with! I hope you enjoy - Hallie

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