16. Kevin Ghost (At First Glance..)

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Can you do a Kevin Ghost imagine? Like where your just a fan at first but you meet him and tell him how like his band has helped you through a lot and he likes starts to develop feelings for you... And you can do the rest.

I can do that. Sorry I normally put requested by but for the life of me I looked through everything to find who requested this and I can't find it :c

as always...(Y/N) = Your Name


Today was the day, the day I was going to meet ghost town. I jump up, getting into the shower to get ready. I step out letting the cold air hit my chest as I dry off. I quickly do my makeup to match my outfit. I through on a ripped ghost town tee and shorts with high top converse. I grab my keys, my purse, and the letter I wrote to Kevin as well as a picture I drew. I bite my lip as I look in the mirror and nod slightly.

I jump in the car and make my way to the venue. I hand my ticket to the guy scanning them in. He nods and smiles slightly. I breathe out a sigh of relief. The show started and I smiled knowing that these guys helped me out in so many ways. The show was getting to the end of the set, which meant I got to meet them afterwards with my pass. I started making my way towards the back where the meet and great would be and show my pass to the security guard. He lets me pass as I smile at him.

I could hear the rest of the set from backstage and look to see only a couple other girls backstage with passes. I nod slightly and look to my feet. The show was over and I could see the boys walk towards us smiling. My smile grew 10 times by seeing them. Alix and Manny made their way over to me another girl was near me. I go to shake Alix' hand and he hugs me instead. I tell him how their band is such an inspiration to me and helps me move forward with my life. He smiles and puts his hand on my back and brings me towards Kevin. "I shouldn't be the only one you say that to, Kevin really helped put this band together.." Alix says. He walks away to go talk to another girl.

Kevin smiles at me and I nervously reach into my purse pulling out the drawing and letter. I hand them over to him, while nervously biting my lip. "Thank you so much Kevin for everything. I felt like I didn't have much left going for me and I felt I was done until I started listening to you guys, you have really helped me so much and helped me grow as a person mentally and artistically. I couldn't ask for a better inspiration." I sigh relieved. He smiles big at me and pulls me into a hug and brushes his thumb under my eye. I didn't even realize I was crying. "You are so beautiful and brave...Whats your name?" He says. I bite my lip as I look at him. "(y/n).." I say quietly. "Its beautiful...I think you are a strong individual. I.." He says before he stops. He smiles his goofy grin before he pulls out his phone.

"Put your number in my phone. I think you're amazingly talented and beautiful and I don't want to let a girl like you go." I put my number in and smile. I hug him and start to leave. I make my way slowly to my car. I get in shaking my head. There was no way that just happened to me. I feel my phone vibrate.

I hope you had an amazing night beautiful.. have a safe ride home and a good night xx Kevin


Alright guys! that's it! So I hope you enjoy. I am planning on getting back into writing these on a daily basis. So every Thursday I will try and update. Also any requests go into the inbox please! it will be easier to keep track that way. Also tomorrow is my 4 year anniversary on wattpad! Yay me c:

I also want to do a Q & A since it would be cool for you guys to get to know me! So ask away and I will answer them in the next chapter. (:

xx Hallie

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