#40 Mad!

311 24 1

whatever silly mad texts

6:05 pm

Shawn: I'm so mad at you.

Taylor: Haha why sweetheart?

Shawn: No nicknames! I'm mad!

Taylor: Okay. Why Shawn?

Shawn: You didn't call me back! I wanted to know if you got home safe.

Taylor: (: I'm fine.

Shawn: Are you really? Not enough to text me back.

Taylor: Won't happen again.

Shawn: Kiss kiss face. Love you!

Taylor: Oh Shawn.

Shawn: Say you love me back! Or I'll be mad again.

Taylor: Ever looked up the actual definition for mad?

Shawn: Stop changing the topic. Do you not love me back?

Taylor: I love you! I love you so much, sweetheart!

Shawn: Muah!

Taylor: And guess what?

Shawn: Yes, boyfriend!

Taylor: I got home safe twenty minutes ago!

Shawn: Thank you! See was that hard?

Taylor: Not as hard as what's in my pants!

Taylor: Oh I'm hilarious. But sorry I forgot you don't like dirty jokes.

Shawn: Mad again.

Taylor: Stop getting so cranky.

Shawn: Don't call me cranky.

Taylor: I love my mad, cranky Shawn.

Shawn: Okay... I love you too.

5 minute write :-) just flowed w/o much thought.


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