#74 Forgive Me ♡

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Shawn: I'm really sorry.

Taylor: For what? Not having faith in me?

Shawn: Yes. Do you forgive me?

Taylor: Not that easy.

Shawn: I'll make it up to you. How?

Taylor: Try telling me you love me again. Tell me that you're proud. I can do something right. I don't mean to disappoint you but it's what I'm doing to make a better living. It'll all come to place soon. You need to trust my decisions.

Shawn: I love you and though I don't fully accept your decisions, I'll try. Just for you, because I love you and I'm proud of everything you've done so far.

Taylor: I forgive you.

Along the way, Taylor will find its place in my heart again. I will slowly fall for him again. But not so soon.


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