The Wedding Part 1

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Gizmos famous last POV~

I stare at Mia leave. I would stay, her door slams open. Ed grabs me and slams me in a toy chair.

"You know where she went pest, where?"

"I won't say." I say and he zaps me.


"Never!" I scream and he grabs me and looks at the closet.

"You force me pest."

"You forced yourself." I say and he jabs a knife in my stomach and drops me in the closet.

I sit there clutching my stomach. So I was gonna die nobly? I stare at the walls. Memories rushing in my head...


"I want him mother!" I look at the girl with the big brown eyes, black-brown curls and a large smile. She was only about 4.

"Fine." Her mother says and she grabs me.

"Gizmo." She says and I grin at the name.

"I'm Mia." She says and I smile.

"I gizzy!" I say and she laughs.

"Yeah." She hugs me closely..


"Hmmm...I want to see the world." She says and I look out the window.

"Yeah. Me and day."

"18th birthday...things will change Giz. Just wait."

"Always." I say and we smile at each other.

"Promise? Promise you'll stay alive to see the world with me?"



I guess I never kept my promise. I grab a paper and pen. I write a little letter to Mia. When she found me. Then I lay down.

"'re my best and only'll just have to find it in your heart to forget me." Then I let my eyes drift closed...


Mia's POV**

I see a paper and grab it.


I died for you. You must forget me. And that promise? You'll have to explore the world without me. I love you like a sister. We have been through everything. Stay strong beautiful. You'll do some amazing things...goodbye..


I put the letter to my heart. Then I grabbed Giz and rapped him in a nice white sheets and walked to the garden. I then buried him and added a rock and put the dead red rosé on it.

"Love you Gizzy. Forever." I say then walk to my room again. I grab scissors and run to the bathroom.

I close my eyes..

Snip! Snip! Snip!

I open my eyes. My hair was now at my shoulders. Instead of almost at my butt. Giz loved my hair. It was the thing that we shared gum, candy, and yes him in. I slam the scissors down and walk out of my room. I storm out to the kitchen I was starved. I see a chief and walk to him.

"Can I get something to eat?" He nods and hands me am apple.

"Do you have junk food?"

"You'll have that tomorrow. Eat the apple," he says and I take a bite.

"Thanks anyways." I say and walk out eating my apple. I pass the soldiers and they smile at me. I flash them a smile too, why not enjoy being a princess. Then I see Chase and throw my apple at him and walk away from him.

Of course he comes to me. He grabs me.

"What the heck Mia! That was immature!" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Well...that's my style!" I yell and push him. He grab me and I am locked away by his arms. He then slams his lips onto mine. I pull away.

"Help!!!! I'm being attacked!" I scream and then I am flying through the air and right through a wall.

"Ow." I say, grabbing my pained leg.

"If you touch her ever again...I won't hesitate to bite your freakin head off!" I crawl to see Ed crushing Chase.

"But sir...she--"

"She shot Trevor's leg! I don't care what she did. Either way she is treated like a princess!!" Ed shouts and then slams Chase down.

"Got it? Now out!" He yells and Chase looks at me. Then leaves. Ed kicks a table turning it to splinters.

"STUPID SOLDIERS!!! ALL THEM STUPID M--" then he looks at me and is at my side.

"Are you okay?" He asks but his eyes still held he red color.

"Ya. What about you?" I ask and look at him. He smiles a half smile and I smile.

"Yeah. Don't worry about the soldiers. They won't touch you without getting punished. Just yell and ill come." He says and I finally notice how he actually is somewhat attractive. He had the bright blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Okay. Why don't you rest for tomorrow's wedding okay?"

"Okay." I say and we walk away and I walk into my room. I change into a silky dress and fall onto my bed.

He saved my life..well me from Chase..

This may not be as bad as I thought...


Hmmm, this chapter was sad): I actually almost cried writing it...the hair part was really...really touching to me...because of the reason that she loved her hair. And I always write books with the long brown hair. Her cutting it off showed how upset she was. It may not have meant anything to you guys...but it was symbolic to me. And what about Medward? Are you Medward, Trea, or Mase?



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