Chapter 1: Christmas eve

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HELLO PEOPLE! this is my 1st story... I'm just going to do 1 chapter and see how it goes?




CHEESE" everyone shouts as we take our Christmas picture

I was so happy since it was Christmas eve and all i wanted was the 5 dolls of one direction, it was about 5 in the afternoon and I was going out of my mind.

I no that I'm turning 17 but you could say that I'm the biggest fan ever!? Especially since Louis Tomlinson lived next door , Sadly he doesn't know of my existence

I no that I just moved in like, last week and that's Probably why I was excited, because if I lived here long before, I could have even been friends with him?! oh, the possibility.

I still couldn't believe that he could be sitting in the room across the street. For all we know he's probably on his way over to welcome us to the neighbourhood!?.

I couldn't help but get ever more excited and hyper that I threw a chair across the room' yeah I no it sounds crazy but what can I say I have a little excitement issues.

When I was finished my little faze I pulled the chair I threw, and brought it over to the window, and just sat there all day long just hoping that my little fantasy would come true.

It was just about Nine 'o' clock when I was giving up hope.

I was pulling my chair away, from the window, when i felt the urge to look out the window one more time.

I thought to myself that I was going a bit to far.

I was feeling down at this point, but something caught my attention. It was a medium sized figure walking down the street.

My heart started to pound, I was getting anxious, what if that figure was the'eeee Louis Tomlinson of One Direction?!.

Without my parents noticing, I made my way towards the door,opening it slowly, then I started to follow the shadow of this manly figure?

I had spent almost twenty minutes to try and find the manly figure but failed.Maybe I was in over my head?,maybe I was hallucinating because just the thought of seeing at least one member of the greatest boy band ever made my head feel huge and made my heart pound like there was no tomorrow

It made me jump up and down, and start spinning in circles!! So I decided to shout at the top of my lungs"MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVERYBODY"

It felt nice, that I could do that without getting in trouble.Unfortunately I spoke to soon, I could hear doors and windows opening.I was surprised at how many people heard me? because all I could hear was "SHUT UP MY KIDS ARE TRYING TO SLEEP" but under all that screaming I heard a little "merry Christmas to you to".

I turned around to where the voice came from, but i couldn't see anyone.

So I decided to walk a bit further down the road until I came to a stop, I seen the tiniest piece of white ice floating down beside me " It was a snowflake" I whispered to myself, I looked all around me to see more and more beginning to fall.

It was going to be a white Christmas after all, this put a massive smile on my face!

After coming out of my day dream I realized that I wasn't in my neighbourhood anymore and no one was around, so I decided to start dancing as the snow was falling all around me! This was one of the most memorable moments of my life.


Louis's P.O.V.

It was my first night home in ages.I really missed my family,but the thought of getting bugged by my sisters made me anxious.

I got to the front door and gave it a huge knock. I was surprised that no one was home.

So I waited for them to come back. ........ and waited ......... and waited ........ and waited

I was getting sick of waiting, so I decided to go for a walk, to pass the time. Thankfully it was getting dark because, that way no one would recognize me.


I headed around the block as quietly as i could. and every-time I seen a shadow I would hide, because if people found out who I was, I would be knee deep in paparazzi.

I was making good progress, when I felt that their was someone following me, so i hid near the dark bushes. I knew that no one could see me here because when i was small I used to hide here, and people would just walk by me without even a second glance.

A few minutes later I peaked around the corner to see a smallish type of body figure.I knew it was a girl because i could see the long hair and the stylish clothes.

All i could think about, was she following me? Did she know who I was?.

My thoughts were broken to the sigh of disappointment. That's when i knew she was following me.

I was about to walk further into the bushes when i heard a loud yell, "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVERYBODY"

This sight made me happy , this girl knew the feeling of Christmas.

I knew that I had to say a little Merry Christmas back, so that's what i did , but in the quietest voice I had, but this was hard because whenever I wanted to say something quiet I end up shouting at the top of my lungs.But there was something different this time, I said it, without ease."Merry Christmas eve to you to".

I was a bit disappointed because I actually wanted her to hear. I wanted to just walk up to her and get to know her?.

Some part of me wanted to be her friend. Wanted her to meet the band mates. I no that I was getting ahead of myself, because for all I know , she could be a kidnapper or a murderer.?

My thoughts were ruined once again, to the sight of the girl Dancing.? I was confused, maybe she had ear phones and was listening to some music. or maybe she was a sycopath?. Even if she was a deadly killer i decided to move closer and closer.Not ever sure it was the right idea?.I tried to stop myself, because i knew she was a fan, and she would probably scream if she see's me?. i took the chance anyway.

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