Chapter 2: The Encounter

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Hey again, i just felt like doing another chap, So... ENJOY! :) 

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Chapter 2: The Encounter

Chloe's P.O.V

I spun around as fast as I could when I heard foot steps getting near.

I didn't know what to think.So i decided to go towards the noise.A few seconds later I was face to face with a bush. All I could see were branches,leaves and  two beautiful green eyes.

I thought to myself , I knew who's eyes they were, and that's all I could remember.


Louis's P.O.V. 

I stopped tip toeing when I seen the girl walking towards me.I froze.

she was so close to my face, That I couldn't believe she didn't see my, To Late. She collapsed. I rushed out to catch her head, but failed,she hit her head off of the curb.I suddenly realised the situation that I was in, and went full speed ahead to call an ambulance.Unfortunately i couldn't contact her parents because i didn't no them?.This made me frustrated.

About thirty minutes later, the ambulance arrived and took the girl away. Obviously I had to go with her, cause this was all my fault. If I wasn't so Famous I wouldn't be in this situation.But knowing that I made a girl Faint, sort of made me happy. Its not something that happens everyday, Okay maybe it does.

I was on the way to the hospital with her. I don't know why but i just kept starring. Her face did have a big bump on it, and that's probably why I couldn't  look away. But her eyes were a lovely shade of  Hazel.Yeah, her eyes were shut, and i had to open them myself, and eww the feeling of squidgy eyes isn't good , but the color made up for it.

Once They took her from the Vehicle and brought her to the nearest room. It was about half 11, by the time she woke up, and I was wrecked.

She just stared at me, it was kinda creepy.I tried to look away, but i couldn't , this girl had a stare that would make you stare back, I'll tell you now, she  would win every staring contest.

 Chloe's P.O.V

I woke up with the hospital light shinning in my eyes.I was starting to get worried, and I couldn't remember what happened.Did I have a crash?. Did someone beat me up?. All these questions were floating around my head, but the number 1 question was, how badly was i injured?.Well the start of recovery was to sit up, so i did , once i sat up, i examined the room closely.

It was a typical hospital dorm, with chipped walls, and sparkly floors. You'd think that they would at-least put in a t.v? but no, there was a stand but no t.v on it.. I continued to look around the room, until i came to a halt .. There was a guy sitting in the guest chair, and he looks sleepy so i think he could have been there a while?.

There was a few problems . (1. I couldn't keep my eye's off him, and i could tell that it was making him nervous. (2. I had no clue who he was?. Maybe he was the one that brought me here, or he could even be a family member?. but the one thing I knew for sure, was that he had the most gorgous face, Wow that would be really awkward for me to say out loud if he was a family member.

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