Chapter 6:Liam I'm going to get revenge!

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A/N Hey guys, I hope your all still reading, please Comment, what you think, because I would love to hear all your feedback? :-) <3 Oh' ye and please Vote!!!!!


What? I sat puzzled.... I glanced at Louis then at Liam, Liam? " What did you do?. does it involve me, ... okay obviously it's about me. Maybe, they took my pad?. but I was holding it.

I told them, that what ever Liam had done, I'd get revenge!!!!. When, they said that I should click into to twitter and go to Liam's page.

"Oh God, I really hope that he didn't post a picture of me sleeping. I logged onto my page, and then I went straight to Liam's.

"OMG! OMG! OMG! LIAAAAAMM!!!! " I yeled at the top of my lungs! I hate when people take a picture of me sleeping, but to make it worse I has marker all over my face.

I quickly dropped my pad, onto the bed, pulled off the covers, and ran headed to the Bathroom. I clenched my fists, and once again, Yelled at the top my lungs. "LIAM!, I walked calmly back to the room, to see the packet of markers still lying on the floor. I ran, picked them up, and Ran after Liam, with the red one. I was happy because he was wearing a white shirt, so the colour could be easily seen.after about 5 minutes of him running away, he finally gave in and let me draw on him. I dragged him back to the room and got him to sit on the bed. I drew on his cheek with the red, so it looked like he had either chicken pocks or really red freckles. I also drew on the back of his shirt, saying


and I also got to take a picture and put in on my twitter page.

I Tagged Liam in it, and the others. and I wrote : @Real_Liam_Payne: Revenge is sweet!!! mwahaha mwahaha >:D

as soon as it posted, the amount of Favourites and Re-tweets was outstanding! I told Liam to go onto Twitter, you could tell that he had seen it, cause he wrapped his arms around his tummy and just started to laugh.

It was a funny sight. This is when my face started to itch., I knew it was the marker so I walked to the bathroom, to wash it off, Liam soon followed and when you walked by, you could just see two people rubbing their face, with a look of determination. " I gave up when, only 1 rosy red cheek disappeared. "Yep they just had to be permanent................."sigh"

The problem is that It was still itchy. and my face felt, very warm. I went back to the bathroom, and seen that

other than the red marker, my face was as red as a tomato. Louis, could see that I was uncomfortable, so he got me a facecloth, to cool my face down. He also told me that he was going to tell his mam, that he had found me. At first I tried to persuade him not to, but either way she was going to find out.

I walked back to the room, and hoped into the bed, and placed the facecloth on my face.

I knew when Louis told her, because all I could hear was , a women's "HAHAHA" well, I'm happy that my pain amuses you Mrs. Tomlinson.........I was going to tell Louis when he comes up that I don't think his mam likes me.

Liam could tell that I had something on my mind, so asked me what was wrong. I replied honestly, "I don't think Louis's mam likes me, and I don't know why?

"Oh well, ehm she usually likes everyone? and you sure that she doesn't like you?..... "Well she hasn't spoken to me since I came here, and I think it's because I broke an ornament, and sort of ran away from my problem" ...... " oh I see the problem now, well I could talk to her for you?" Liam suggested..........." would you?" ........... "yes, no problem".............."Okay Thanks Liam " I said great-fully........................................ "I'll go when Louis comes back,?"........

We went silent for a while, until we heard footsteps come up the stairs, but they sounded like there were four feet.. Then it came barging into the room, It was the Puppy!!!!!! awww she/ he is so cute. and It seemed like Liam agreed because he dropped straight to his knees and started to pet the Puppy.Soon after Louis strided into the room looking happy.

"What's the grin for Tomlinson" Liam said, (still petting the dog)" It's cause my sisters are at my granny's so I have a sister free weekend ahead of me"....." okay bro," liam said half laughing,"

It was a bit awkward , because I was just sitting on the bed, while Louis and Liam were having a conversation about Louis's sisters. So to get them to notice that I was still there,and to call the puppy I blew a whistle,"whiissstle" they both looked my way and the puppy leaped onto the bed.I just gave an innocent smile and laughed, So," whats the puppy's name?" I asked Louis........." Im not to sure" was his response.

"how do you not know what your dogs name is?" I said in disbelief..........." because I only knew I had him today, and I was gone for half of it" Louis answered. With that Liam stood up and walked down stairs.Don't ask why he just did, maybe he was going home, after all he was here all day, and it is Christmas, that reminds me, Louis and I were supposed to go to next door. To late now..... I'll go in the morning

I told Louis, and he said that we could still go around, I had agreed. So I sat up, took the facecloth off my face and placed it on bed.and was about to put the puppy on the floor but he had fallen asleep.I walked down the stairs , Louis following me, and was headed for the door, but I heard mrs.Tomlinson start to speak, she was asking us where we were going. " I stopped in my tracks and wondered if I would reply, I opened my mouth to speak, but Louis beat me to it. while he talked he walked to where his mam was, (The kitchen) and closed the door behind him, This way I couldn't hear.

"Damn You Louis!" I could hear Louis whining about something, I tiptoed over to the door to see if I could hear the slightest thing but couldn't so I walked over to where the couch was and sat down. I was sitting for about 4 minutes when the door handle was pushed down and Louis walked out. He came towards me and sat down, and was telling me that when he told his mam, that we were going next door ,she told him that It was a bad idea. I tried to persuade her that it was just next door, but she just kept saying that they were new people to the estate and we havn't welcomed them probably to the neighbourhood yet, and that we could do so tomorrow.

I was dissapointed , but It wasnt my house so I had to agree with Louis's mam.

Once again silence fell over us.

Then Louis's mam walked in with 3 mugs of tea, and placed them on the beutifuly decorated coffee table. I thought that she was finally starting to like me, but she wouldn't look me in te eye. I just ignored the situation, and asked " Can we watch a d.v.d?", Louis thought that It was a good idea, so he flopped to the floor and dragged himself over to the d.v.d stand that was in the corner of the room.

He came back with a couple , some of which were one direction's tour d.v.d's and some were horror.I hate Horror so I had to choose one of the 1D D.v.d's. I really hoped that Mrs.Tomlinson would agree, because I didn't want to spend the night behind the couch, asking every 5minutes, Is It over yet?.

Less than 5 minutes later, I was Behind the couch, clutching to the floor, This night could not get any worse. Well It could because Louis suggested that we should turn the light off and once again Mrs.Tomlinson agreed. So the Room went pitch Black. Grr!, I decided that I was just going to sneak upstairs, but I was to scared to even stand up.

The movie was half over and Louis still didn't ask me to get back onto the couch.

I heard a scream, and dug my face into the back of the sofa so that I couldn't see anything, Obviously it was just Louis screaming but I still didn't feel safe.I Slowly lifted my head and "AHHHH" I fell backwards, "Louis!!!!" , "what are you doing behind here this is my hiding place" I argued "well it is my house", Louis Replied. "tu ché"

we were having a little chit chat when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, Maybe it was Louis's Mam but she was on the other couch the last time I cheaked, and instead of two feet it sounded like four.

Then I looked to my right, and it was the Puppy. "Hello cutey" I greeted the puppy with a rub to her/his belly."A/N

Sorry if I took a while, its just I had alot on, and I mean alot.. with school, tests and everything, and sorry chapter is small, I just didn't want you guys to wait any longer, SOO .. SORRY :/ "


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