Evil Liam

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Authors note ~

Heyy soo sorry I just couldn't think of an ending so I just kind of gave up.. But I've decided to give it another go even I I still haven't thought of an ending.. So comment and fav if you like it?



Chloe's P.V.O

The next morning everything felt like a blur , I couldn't even remember going up to bed when I realised that I wasn't in my own bed . This was when everything came flooding back to me I was in Louis's room

I took this moment to actually take everything in.. 1) I wasn't with my family 2) I had missed Christmas and 3) I had spent the whole time with a total stranger sort of.

A few minutes passed and I decided to go down an make breakfast for the Tomlinson's it's the lest I could do since they let me stay over. I sneaked downstairs not wanting to disturb anyone.

This house was actually amazing the most expensive looking estate house I have ever seen to be honest. Pictures of their family on every wall and the most fabulous wall papers ever. I never really took the time to notice until now that this family were so close even if they don't really spend much time witch each other

I had soon got to the kitchen when I saw that my note was on the kitchen table. I should probably apologise personally, if I didn't want any awkwardness between us but I won't be staying here long so it wouldn't really matter. My thoughts got the best of me because I had realised that I had been staring at the wall for almost 5 minutes without actually doing anything,so to get a move on I went searching for some pots and pans with I luckily found quite easily right under the sink.

I heated up the pan and threw in some eggs and put some bread into the toaster.. You might think that I'm a pro at all of this because I am doing it with ease but this is seriously the only things I'm able to cook"

When I finished cooking my pro meal I prepared the table for 3.

As soon I sat down it was like everyone knew I had finished because on cue one by one they started to pile into the room, and by pile I mean slowly slump into the room( well Louis first )

He sat down in front of me not even acknowledging that I was there and just started eating , I dunno why but this started to annoy me.. So to make it even I was going to give home the silent treatment , and when I give somebody he silent treatment I mean for a couple of days.

Louis's P.V.O

I was having the worst sleep ever because my back ached and my hips hurt.. I had been sleeping on the floor in the bathroom, and I had no idea how I got there. I already knew that I was ping to be cranky today, but the smell of freshly cooled eggs in the morning kind of made me the slightest bit happier, so I forced myself off of the bathroom floor and crept to the top of the stairs slowly but surely making my way down to the nice smelling kitchen.

I don't know why but when ever I smell nice warm food it makes me even sleepier and sleeping on the floor all night didn't help me either, I could Barely even speak I was that tired.

I slumped into the chair right across from Chloe , and just started to dig in.

when i was mid way through my breakfast I had noticed that she hadn't said a word to me. I quickly glanced up to see that she had an annoyed expression on her face, and I knew that this coukdn't have been good. So to try and lighten the mood I spoke up first "morning Chloe" , I got no response , at first I thought that maybe she hadn't heard me so to make sure I spoke again "morning", this time I knew she heard me because she looked in my direction , but still no response. Something was bothering her but instead of doing  the right thing and asking what's wrong, I decided to just act like it didn't bother me and carry on eating my breakfast. A few minutes later she got up ina huff and walked out. I thought that I should really go after her and ask whats wrong but, she had started it by not answering me so I just left her alone to blow off some steam.

when I had finished eating i went up stairs to change to find Liam in my room dancing.... to no music, so I quickly got my phone out of my jeans pocket and started to record all that was happening infront of me.

This put huge enjoyment into me for about Five minutes, after that it just got boring, so I ruied his little dance by barging into the room almost giving Liam a heart attack.

I spent almost twenty minutes talking to Liam and telling him about how I think Chloe is ignoring me, Liam just thought that I was paronoid so to show me up , he went down stairs while I got dressed.

Chloe's P.V.O

I spent almost twenty minutes in the sitting waiting for Louis to figuir out what he did wrong and apologise. I got myself prepared when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I sat upright on the sofa.

I got seriously frustrated when it wasn't Louis, it was Liam, I had really thought that Louis would have come down by now. Liam wenr straigt into the kitchen and took the brekfast I had made for Louis's mam and walked into the sitting room and took a seat infront of me.

Dont ask how but he could sense that I was frustrated and ask me what was wrong, and since I wasnt  mad at Liam i answered telling him that Louis didnt respect me cooking for them, and that he hadn't said sorry yet.

Liam just burst out laughing saying that he had spent the last half an hour listening to Louis rambling on about me ignoring him, while he didnt know what he had done

This was when Liam gave me the idea to keep ignoring Louis until he goes insane, at first I thought it was mean, but at the same time he still hasn't came down, so I was going to do it.

Louis's P.V.O

I waited impatiently for Liam to come back upstairs to tell me whats wrong with Chloe. I had figuired that she was still talking to Liam because he would have come back up if she wasn't and the fact that I could hear them laughing gave it away, it also made me feel left out, so I was going to go down myself and sort this out, well I 'was' about to until Liam barged into my room with a huge grin on his face, but it soon faded when he saw my facial expression.. he sat down beside me and told me the news, that I had to figuir out what I had done wrong before she would speak to me.

It was hard to break in because I was never given the silent treatment before, mainly because I was Louis Tomlinson, but even before I was famous I still was never ignored it didn't feel good, but at the same time, I wasnt going to give in, especially because I hadn't done anything wrong ( well I dont think I did ). If she was going to ignore me for somthing stupid, I was going to ignore her aswell.

I knew I wouldn't have nomally been so childish about the situation, but Liam had given me the idea to fight fire with fire, so thats what I was goig to do.

Liam's P.V.O

Mwahaha >:D this is going to be funny.


Authors note,

yeh ino 2 author notes this chappie but oh well,

id just like to say a massive sorry for almost a year wait... and I bet no one is reading this, woulnt blame you, haha I just want to say thanks to thoes who stuck by, so fav, comment if I get a good amount maybe it will make me think better :)     ♥ xx


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