43 - Steps Two and Three cont.

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The sharp crack of a gunshot came from outside. Through the window, an undead not far off is thrown back with the force of -- judging from the hole it left behind -- a big bullet. Other undead crowd around the gunshot area instead of running away to save their rotting skin. Shooting is the dumbest thing they could have done, you think. Just the way those things swarm and attack at any noise is enough to make anyone with sense want to keep quiet. At least they're pulling them away from your area...

"Hey, now," Louis says, and you bring your attention back into the store.

Hazel is standing there with a pistol pointed right at Louis. She turns it to each of you in turn. "A friend of yours out there?" She says to nobody in particular.

You start to say no, but Chuck beats you to it and replies, "Yes, and if you shoot us, they'll find you."

Of course, that's a lie. The kind of lie that might actually keep you alive.

Hazel trots over to him and holds her gun right up to his temple. "I don't want to shoot you, bring those infected things down on us. But you just remember that I will if I have to-"

"Haze, that's enough." Link seems to be getting frustrated with her now. He puts his hand on the barrel of her gun and lowers it. "She likes to play tough, being it's the apocalypse and all. Look, we don't want any trouble. Just find somewhere else to raid. We're staying here. You're free to leave."

Chuck's face is red and he looks like he's about to start steaming. "We've got just as much right to be here as you!" he says.

"You're really trying my patie-"

Chuck takes an opening and rams into Link. Link is taken by surprise and falls into the stained linoleum hard. Chuck goes for Hazel, but her gun blasts. He hits the ground right beside Link, blood pouring from his chest. He tries to speak, but his body is convulsing. Sally crawls over to him and tries to tell him it's okay. It all happened so fast, you're in shock.

Hazel curses. Her eyes are wide and filled with tears. "Link, I-I..." She can't finish her sentence before she's overcome with tears. Despite her tough exterior, she'd never intended on killing anyone. The gun slips from her fingers and clatters on the floor, splashing Chuck's blood.

Link scrambles to his feet and holds her. "Shh, it was an accident."

"I'm-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she says to both you and Sally. For all she knows, Chuck could have been your uncle or brother. He could have been your accountant or science teacher. She doesn't know you just met him. What does she expect you to say? That it's okay? You forgive her? You don't. Chuck may not have been your banker or cousin, but he was one of you -- a human.

"Next time, aim for one of those things out there," you say angrily.

"She's learning to live in this world the same as you," Link spats.

"Yeah? Well, I don't kill living people."

"Enough!" Sally shouts. "We have to get out of here. That gunshot is already drawn them back our way."

It's only now that you realize you're two down instead of just one. Louis is already gone. He must have slipped out in the few moments of chaos. Smart.

"Come on, Haze, we have to go," Link retrieves her gun from the floor and pulls at her.

You pick up the bag of supplies that Chuck had and run to the door with everyone else.

Still and silent, the parking lot is spread before you. Unmoving bodies and severed appendages scattered the ground. Looking ahead, you can see some dented cars, broken windows and doors, and smeared or streaked blood here or there. The undead seems to have really torn the place up. There isn't a single sign of life out there.

"But where is the shooter?" you say.

"They're not with you?" Link asks.

Now that you know they're not out to kill you, you're not afraid to admit that you don't know the shooter. You shake your head, eyes still trained on the street for any movement. Truth be known, after this scary little run-in, you're more wary of other people than before. A shame. You should really be able to trust the living to stand by you at a time like this.

"Hey," Sally says, drawing your attention. "Come on, we can't wait here. Let's move."

She's right. You have to push forward. You can't hide from everything for the rest of your life. There's no telling where the shooter has led the undead, but what matters is that the way is clear now.

Sally leads the way. Link pushes a tearful Hazel out the door. Just before you step over the threshold, something sharp clamps onto your ankle. The pain seizes you, fiery and sharp. It's like you've been jabbed with a flaming butcher knife. You fall face first on the concrete outside. With your other foot, you kick out and connect with the thing that's got you, and you connect with zombie Chuck's head. The others help beat him off, but as the fiery virus rushes through you, you know it's too late. There is no hope.

 There is no hope

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