Chapter 5

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I felt my cheeks become bright red.

"Oh.. Uh... Thanks... Erm... Brandon?"

I stuttered. He slipped his hands in his jean pockets and leaned against the wall.

"So, you're Jocelyne? Really?"

He asked.

"Uh yeah, that's me..."

I answered. He nodded slowly.

"You look nothing like what I expected..."

He said. I frowned.

"What were you expecting?"

I asked, my voice slightly irritated.

"Well when my sister described you, she said you had glasses and your hair was always in a ponytail... Stuff like that..."

He shrugged. Well, I guess Bianca goes into details when she describes someone...

"Oh, well... I used to. Recently I changed my look with the help of my sister and friends..."

I answered. His eyes traveled my body.

"Well I like this look... "

He said. My cheeks were burning. I'm not used to having conversations like this with a guy. Especially not a really attractive guy.

"Anyways, it was nice chatting with you."

He took my hand and softly kissed it, then he flashed a bright smile and walked away. My gaze drifted to another part of the room, where I saw Alexus staring at me, a hurt expression on her face. Something was wrong, she didn't look alright... When her eyes locked with mine, she burst into tears and ran out the room.


Alexus' P.O.V.

My heart was hurting. My eyes were burning. Breathing was hard. I slammed the door behind me and let myself fall on the bed. Why, oh why did I have to be a girl? I'm not at all the emotional type, but now I'm crying over something stupid. Yeah, they talked and he kissed her hand, but why am I having an emotional breakdown because of that? Oh right, because it's my time of the month. Stupid mood swings. Stupid hormones. Stupid periods. Stupid me. Why couldn't I have been born a guy. Ugh. I heard the door creak and I hid under the covers. I didn't want anyone to see me like this. I jumped when someone's hand made contact with my body, rubbing my back softly.

"Who... Who is it..."

I managed to ask between sobs.

"It's just me, your best friend..."

I flung the blankets off and threw myself in her arms.

"Jocelyne, I'm so sorry about this."

I was now bawling on her shoulder.

"Just calm down, and we can talk about it."

I took deep breaths.

"I... I want to go home..."

I said. She looked at me sadly.

"But the concert is about to start, the boys just left to go backstage."

She answered. Well, I guess I should be ok if I don't run into Brandon.

"Alright, but can we go home right after the concert is over?"

I asked her.

"I promise."

She said. She hugged me tight, kissed my forehead, took my hand and lead me towards our seat. I was glad to have friends like this, who cared about me like if I was family...


The concert was amazing. Those boys are REALLY talented. Kris, Bianca and I were going to Jocelyne's house for a sleepover now. So we were all sitting in her room and Breanna was there too.

"Oh my gosh Nick is sooo attractive..."

Bianca said.

"Levi's mine, so hands off everyone."

Kristeen added.

"Kris he doesn't even like you back..."

I said. Kris grabbed a pillow and threw it at my head.

"Shut up, I'm allowed to dream."

She said. We all burst out laughing.

"So Jocelyne... I think my brother's into you..."

Bianca teased. I was biting my lower lip, fighting back the tears that were threatening to flow out of my eyes. It was like getting stabbed in the heart, to hear that Brandon liked my best friend.

"I need a private moment with Alexus, we'll be back soon."

Jocelyne said, then grabbed my hand and lead me to another bedroom, probably Breanna's. She sat on the bed and patted the spot beside her. I sat down.

"Spill it. What's wrong? And don't tell me it doesn't involve Brandon because I know it does."

She firmly said. I let out a long exasperated sigh.

"Well, I've been at Bianca's house a lot lately. So I had met Brandon before today.... and I really, REALLY like him. Even though I don't believe in love at first sight... I think Brandon might have made me change my mind... Anyways, every time I'm at Bianca's house I try to start a conversation with him but he barely says anything to me and ignores my existence. I thought maybe he was shy with new people, but then when I saw him with you, and I over heard your conversation... I was hurt. Then the kiss on the hand just broke my heart. I'm sorry, I just... I think I might... I might... Uh..."

I drifted off. I couldn't get the words to come out.

"You might..."

Jocelyne repeated.

"I think I love him..."

I let out. A smile spread on Jocelyne's lips.

"That's really cute... And ok, maybe I like him too. But only as a crush. And I don't like seeing you like this so he's yours. I'll even help you get his attention if you want..."

She offered. So she did like him...

"But, if you like him, and he likes you, go ahead... I don't mind."

I said. Though the words came out of my own mouth, they had no meaning. Of course I would mind. I would envy her every time I see them together. My heart would break at the sound of his voice. I wouldn't be able to bear with it.

"Don't worry, I don't want to see you like this and you CLEARLY like him more than I do. I can't do that to you, your feelings matter to me... And I don't want you to be hurt..."

She said. I felt relieved.

"Thanks. For everything.. And for caring so much."

I answered. A smile spread on her lips.

"Anything to see my best friend happy."

She said, before heading back to her own room. I sat on the bed a few minutes, thinking. I'm smart, nice, and even pretty... I could easily get myself a guy. So why am I crying? I'll be able to conquer Brandon's heart, watch me.



SURPRISE! Double update!! Two chapters in one night? Ok I'm so excited. I have SO much planned for this story. It'll keep getting better and better.... I couldn't wait to post the chapter and I love you guys so much I decided to post them both tonight <3

ALSO the double update is to make up to you guys for the fact that I'm SUPER busy this weekend, we're moving soon and having a huge yard sale so I won't have much time to write. I'll still do my best and try to update <3 love you all so much <3


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