Chapter 10

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Jocelyne's P.O.V.

"I'm gonna make your life a living hell. I'll make sure you remember me forever, as the one who ruined you. Because you don't even deserve to live. No one likes you and you're worthless."

He spat. I wiggled in the chair. The ropes wrapped around my wrists were cutting my circulation. My face was drenched with tears.

"Please stop..."

I whispered, my voice trembling. I looked up to see his face.

"William please..."

I choked.

"Jocelyne? Jocelyne are you ok?"

That wasn't his voice! It was a girl's voice and it sounded distant as my eyelids slowly shut...















I woke up in a panic, screaming at the top of my lungs. Breanna was standing at the end of my bed.

"Jocelyne are you ok? What the heck is going on?"

She asked, rubbing her tired eyes. I tried to catch my breath.

"Nothing, just another nightmare..."

I said.

"Well, ok... Just letting you know it's 4 in the morning so try not to scream so loud next time..."

She said, before sighing and leaving the room. The scene came back to my mind. It wasn't just my imagination, I felt like I was reliving the moment. It felt like it happened yesterday even though it was three years ago... Every single detail was fresh....

It was on my first day of school when I first moved here. I didn't know anyone and I was lost in the hallways. Then this boys walked up to me with a bright smile.

"Hi! I'm William, nice to meet you!"

Those were the first words he said to me. He was so sweet, funny, and even attractive. We instantly became friends. Throughout the year, he changed. He started doing drugs, going to parties and stuff like that. He turned into a complete douche. He started treating everyone around him like shit, including me. I didn't like it... He tried to get me to go out with him. He told me he really liked me, and wanted me to be his girlfriend. But I refused, I didn't wanna date the jerk he had become. We would fight, all the time. I tried to ignore him but he was always trying to get me to change my mind. It got to the point where he forcefully brought me to his house and tied me on a chair. I seriously thought he was gonna rape me. I thought I was gonna die or something. But no, all he did was explain to me how he got over me. Apparently his feelings for me had vanished, and I was relieved. Then came the worse part... I even remember every word he said.

"I'm over you, but If I can't have you then no one can! Be sure, that if ever you get a boyfriend, I will personally make sure he doesn't want to be near you anymore. Even if I have to torture him to death. And don't ever tell anyone about this, or else I'll have to get rid of you...."

I was shaking so much. I was terrified. I had no idea what had gotten into him, he used to be so nice and now he had such a cold, dark heart. He was psycho. Ever since that day, he's done everything he could to bug the heck out of me at school. People think it's a joke, that he's just teasing me. Yet I know that if ever I talk back to him I'm gonna pay for it....

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