The Dream

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I don't know exactly what I was doing here. It was all dark, cold and seems like all the happiness in me drained out. I felt so weak. I tried to search for someone. Slowly, two figures emerges out of nowhere - man and a woman, the woman moved forward but the man stayed behind. The woman stopped a few inches away from me. Ancient, creased and withered. Her skin was soft and withered as she touches my hand, bent into a thousand tiny creases that clung gently to the bone underneath. I suddenly felt panicky. I knew I shouldn't be standing so close to her. Her mouth - a wizened pucker - spread into the surprised half-smile at just the same time I was about to say something. I was about to ask her a question. Who are they? What are we doing here? But something in her face made me stop. She pulled my hand, leaned closer to me and whisper. I didn't understand what she said but I was horrified. I stared at her, eyes wide-opened. She laughed, a dark evil laugh. I tried to free myself from her tight grasp. She hit me, I was shocked. The man moved forward, I thought he was reaching for her but I felt his cold hands around my wrists. The woman was taken aback when he freed me from her. He looked at me and told me to run. I did not hesitate.

I started running, I ran as fast as I could.

I run without thinking. I could not do anything else. I had to keep moving.

If I stopped, it will be all over.

I started to worry that I was traveling in circle, a very small circle at that, but I kept going. I stumbled often and I fell often too.

Finally, I tripped over something - I saw no source of light, I had no idea what caught my foot - and I stayed down. I rolled onto my side, so that I could breathe, and curled up. I realized I was crying.

Was it always so dark here? I never felt so alone in my entire life.

I shivered though I wasn't cold.

As I lay there, I had a feeling that more time is passing than I realized. I thought of the man. I remembered I should be running. But run for what? Do I have to run for my life? I shuddered.

I started to run again.. I felt so hopeless. I screamed for help.

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