Nashville seems peaceful, just the way Sara likes it. She prefers the country to the city. The city was just too crowded for her tastes. However, she knew the new mall that was just put up a few years ago, but that won't spoil her fun.
Sara told the taxi driver the address of the hotel that her parents suggested she stay at. It was just built around the same time the mall was. 'Maybe the mall owner is the same as the hotels?' she thought.
Meanwhile, when Aaron got into his car, he got a call.
"Hello, is this Mr. Carlton?"
"That's me. May I help you?"
"The meeting has started without you, sir."
"What?" Aaron said angrily.
"You're father took care of it. He came in and started the meeting."
Aaron growled, "Thank you."
Aaron threw his phone onto the seat next to him.
"Driver, will you drive me to the Carlton hotel?"
"Of course, I will, Mr. Carlton."
Aaron put his head in his hands. "What am I going do?"
However, Sara was already at the Carlton hotel. "Welcome to the Carlton hotel. May I help you, miss?" The man at that the desk was dressed well, and spoke with an Australian accent.
"Yes, I would like a room for 2 weeks."
"Alright," he said. "I will need to see your ID, and it'll be $1,400."
I handed him my state ID and $1,400 in cash.
He looked at me than my ID. He took the cash, and he said, "I need you to fill this out." He handed Sara a piece of paper. She filled it out right there in front of his eyes.
"Tyler," Aaron came into the hotel screaming. The man at the desk looked at his boss, as Aaron walks towards the front desk.
"Mr. Carlton, may I help you with something?"
"Why did my father come into today?"
Sara was quietly still filling out the form next to the angry Aaron. She looked at him and recognized him as the guy who found her bracelet. 'Is he the owner?' she thought. She had finish filling out the last part of the form, and she politely tried to interrupt the guys' conversation.
"Excuse me, I finished filling this out," she handed Tyler the form.
"One second, Mr. Carlton. Alright, let me see." Tyler looked over the form.
While he was doing that, Aaron noticed the girl next to her. 'She looks really young.' "Did you check her ID?"
Tyler and Sara, both, looked at Aaron. "I did, why?"
"May I see it?" Aaron asked. Sara looked at him like he was nuts.
"Sure," she grabbed her ID and handed to him. Aaron was surprised to find out that she was the same age as he was. He didn't notice until now that she was the beautiful woman that he saved her bracelet.
"Oh, it's you. You're the girl that I returned your lost bracelet to." She nodded her head. "Well, I hope your stay here is wonderful." He turned his attention to Tyler, who was preparing Sara's hotel room key.
"Here you go," Tyler said, giving the key to Sara.
"Thank you," she said. She grabbed her luggage and walked to the elevator.
Aaron watched as she went to the elevator. He was memorized by the beauty. "Sir?" Aaron turned his attention to Tyler.
"Yes," Aaron said.
"You're father is still here."
Aaron looked at Tyler with furious eyes, "What?"
Tyler could tell that Aaron was trying his hardest to keep calm. Aaron slowly walked to the elevator. Aaron knew where his father was.
Sara was still trying to find her room, when she saw Aaron standing outside of a door. "Excuse me?" she said politely. He looked up at her. He had an idea.
"Can you do me a favor?"
She looked at him, "Yea, what do you need?"
"Will you pretend to be my girlfriend?"
Sara's jaw dropped. "Why?"
"Sara," he looked at her with pleading eyes. "Please, I need you to do this for me."
"How do you..."
The door we both we standing in front of opened. A tall man in his late 40s came out. "Aaron," he said.
Sara looked at Aaron. "Father," Aaron said. She, then, realized why she has to pretend to be his girlfriend. She scoots over to Aaron's ear.
"I'll do it, but you own me something in return," she whispered in his ear.
Aaron nodded his head, "Father, I like you to meet my girlfriend, Sara Daniels."

Lost in the Moment
RomanceA girl falling for a rich guy with daddy issues?? -Discontinued