Chapter 10
(Sara POV)
Aaron and I had walked into a ballroom. The scent of wine covered the room, as well as fancy food. I looked at Aaron, who was be called. He looked at the person who called his name. The whole ballroom seemed to be starring at Aaron and me. I looked up to Aaron. I knew he was trying to disobey his father, and that he didn't honestly like me. I overheard a conversation he had with Taylor, who knew I was in his apartment.
"Sir, you do realize that she could be harmed if your father were to know your feelings?"
"I have no feelings for the girl. She is simply doing me a favor."
Hearing this broke my heart into many pieces. Was a really a pawn in his chess game? Am I honestly just doing him a favor?
I never told Aaron that I knew. I guess he doesn't know how fast I had fallen for him. Last night made me realize that he was really an amazing guy, but our lives would never match together.
"Mr. Johnson, how are you this evening?"
"I was unaware that you were here. I didn't see you at the meeting the other day."
Aaron just smiled at him. "I had several things on my schedule I must have forgot that meeting."
"Well I'm glad you came to the pre-wedding ceremony for your father."
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." It seemed like Aaron was lying about that.
He turned to see Sam. "Hi Ms. Livingston, this is Sara. She is my guest for tonight. Taylor stayed home, so Tyler will be your escort this evening." Tyler came from behind Sam. He wrapped his arm around Sam's waist.
"Wait," she said, as Aaron was trying to get away from her glare. He didn't even turn around to listen to her. "I thought we were together this evening." Aaron laughed.
"Why would I? You know how I feel about you."
Aaron pushed me forward. With each step forward, I stole a glimpse behind me. Tears were falling from Sam's face. Quickly, I looked at Aaron's face. His smile was wide as could be. Is this what he's like? Is he a monster like his father was?
He looked at me, "Are you alright?"
I smiled, "Yeah." He frowned. "What?"
He bent his mouth to my ear, "Are you lying to me?"
"Please welcome the newlyweds to be, Mr. Samuel Carlton and Anna Marie Nickolason."
Aaron's father and fiancée came to the floor. Mr. Carlton looked really happy.
(Aaron's POV)
That last name. Why did he choose her? I was in love with her daughter. Now, he's allowed to marry Anna. My grip on Sara tighten. I believe Sara started to notice my stress about being here. She would be right to have some assumptions.
My father walked with Anna Marie up to the stage. "Welcome everyone," my father started to say, into the microphone. "I want to thank you all for coming this evening. I know all of you are very busy with not only helping this hotel a success, but to your own daily lives. Today, we are here to celebrate my pre-marriage with Anna. We also have another news for everyone," my father looked at Anna, who was blushing. Don't tell me? Please, don't be what I think it is. "Anna, do you want me to tell them?" She got up, with the help of my father. She was holding her stomach. The crowd start cheering. "WE ARE PREGNANT!"
My arms dropped from Sara's waist. I couldn't handle being in this ceremony anymore. I had to get out, so I played it cool. I, quickly, walked up towards the stage. His eyes followed me as I walked towards Anna. "Congratulations," I said hugging Anna. She smiled at me.
"I'm glad you're happy to have a baby..."
"Oh, no. I'm not happy at all. I never will be," I whisper in her ear. "Good luck with my father. It's most likely your child will never have a happy life." I backed up, and starred at my father as I walked off the stage. "Is there something you want from me?"
"There is. I will be taking you off of my family registration." My eyes opened to the fullest. I turned my head to my father's face. "You will no longer be part of my family. You will not be able to stay in the hotel or live in your house that you lived in over in Virginia. This means the marriage with Sam is off, but you can't marry Hannah."
I could feel the tears building up. "ARE YOU SAYING THAT YOU NEVER LOVED ME LIKE YOUR SON?" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Silence became the ballroom. Mt father starred at me with wide eyes. "Does this mean you never loved Mom?" I started to cry. "Mom did everything for you. You didn't appreciate her. That's why she died. You could never find someone to replace her, and you beat the shit out of me, because you blamed me for her death. When you married Christina, you weren't in love with her like you were with Mom. However, you blamed me for her death to. The same happen with Maryland. Well, if you don't me to be your son anymore, I'd be glad to not be Aaron Samuel Carlton, but when Anna Marie comes to face death. I'm not the one to be blamed." I stormed out of the ballroom. I ran all the way to my hotel room and started to pack. I'm free.

Lost in the Moment
عاطفيةA girl falling for a rich guy with daddy issues?? -Discontinued