Chapter 5

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I sat up an yawned as my hands stretched out, way above my head. I stepped out of bed and made my way over to the bathroom. I put my hair into a messy bun before washing my face and brushing my teeth and then went downstairs to Michael and Ashton cooking an English breakfast.

"Hey guys," I greeted them, hugging Michael then Ashton in turn.

"Morning! Did you sleep well?" Michael asked me.

"Yeah, the beds are really comfortable!" I said.

"Would you guys shut up? My head is banging and you're not exactly helping!" Luke complained as he rubbed his eyes and trudged into the room.

"That's because you were stupid and drank too much last night," Ashton helpfully pointed out.

"Whatever," Luke groaned as he sat down. My phone suddenly began to ring so I checked the caller ID only to see it was Ben. I placed my phone down on the table after putting it on silent but forgtting to turn off vibrate.

"Are you going to get that?" Michael asked, I shook my head but he reached over and grabbed my phone, answered it and pressed it against his ear.

"Hello?" he said, "What the hell? Who is this? What? No! I'm her brother! For God's sake!" he looked annoyed. He stared a hole into my head, I could feel it burning.

"What!?" I exclaimed innocently.

"Victoria! Why the hell is Ben Miller your boyfriend!?" he growled at me. I looked down at my feet and rolled my eyes. He was soooo over-reacting.

"Victoria!" he demanded.

"What?" I questioned, " you were friends with him! It's not like he hurts me or makes me upset," Luke caught my eye but I quickly looked away. " I'm going to go and call Lia," I announced as I walked upstairs. Lia is my best friend from back home. She didn't hang out with Clay and his gang but at least she didn't leave me because I did. She knew all my secrets and I her.

"Hey hun," Lia called from the other end as soon as I dialled her number.

"Hey? How's err... everything?" I said.

"OK, what's up?" she asked without hesitation. She knew me inside out and although I loved it, it was a little bit annoying sometimes.

"Ben and me basically fell out after he called me up wasted and told me not to be at a party with my brother and so I shouted at him and was in a mood with him. This morning he called me and I saw it was him so I put my phone on silent but I forgot to turn off vibrate so Michael answered my phone before I could stop him and found out that his ex-best friend is my boyfriend then had a go at me for it," I explained to her.

"Woah! That's alot. Your kinda stuck there babe," she pointed out the obvious, "just leave it for a bit and then he should feel guilty and apologise. Listen I gotta go but will call you tomorrow," we said goodbye and ended the call.

I curled up into a little ball on the bed and tucked my hands into my chest. How come I had a knack for ruining everything for everyone? I head a knock on the door and it slowly creaked opened.

"Vic? I'm so sorry," Michael said. I reached out to Michael, gesturing for him to come and snuggle with me. He climbed onto the bed and hooked his strong, muscly [is that a word?] arms around me. He gently kissed my head as I nuzzled into his chest.

"I love you Mickey," I said.

"I love you too, Vicki," he replied. Then suddenly, the door burst open.

"She's here!" Calum screamed; I could feel my brother's heart skip a beat.

"Mickey? What's wrong?" I squeaked.

"Shh," he commanded pressing a finger to my lips, "Luke stay here with Vicki, don't talk, don't move and don't breath too loudly. I'll try and get rid of her. When she's gone I'll come back to get you," Michael ordered as Luke appeared in the doorway. He jumped at me and carefully pushed me behind the bed as he rolled on top of me.

"What's going on?" I whispered. He just shook his head and mouthed later. I could hear Michael and a female voice screaming at the top of their lungs to each other. I hut my eyes tight and I felt Luke's soothingly warm breath on my face. His arms were tightly wrapped around me. I felt safe with him. Footsteps banged up the stairs and the door crashed open.

"Where is she?" the female asked.

"Shannon, please calm down," Michael insisted but was drowned out by the sound of Shannon.

"Calm down? You're telling me to calm down!? You calm down! I'm not the one banging a different person every week!" she screamed.

"You know that isn't true! Stop, you're going to far," Michael said confidently but stern.

"What? You expect me to believe that?" but she doesn't even let him answer, "Whatever, where she?" I could hear her footsteps getting louder and louder. Luke jumped up off of me.

"Don't hurt her or I swear to God you won't live to see another day." Luke looked so cute when he was angry...

"God, stop kidding yourself, Hemmings!" she scoffed. She walked up towards my new position: next to Luke. We were face to face and I could see all of the bitchiness in her face. He lips were glossy but in a permanent pout and her fake boobs were in my face, stuck in front of her straight bleach blonde hair.

She slapped me, "That's what you get for trying to get on with my boyfriend." She said.

"You just made the biggest mistake of your life!" Michael emphasised, holding back Luke from pounding at her. She turned to face him in utter disbelief.

"Hey Shannon?" I asked innocently.

"What?" she snapped and turned to face me. My fist uncontrollably connected with her face She ran out, crying and swearing at me full throttle.

"Vicki, are you OK? Did she hurt you?" Michael said over Luke boasting about how you coud hear the bones move and how she ran out crying. Michael pulled me into a hug and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'm so sorry little Vicki. You shouldn't have had to go through that. You were so brave though!" he stroked my hair and comforted me.


"Sit," Luke instructed, pointing to the closed toilet seat. I sat down and held out my hands.He gently wiped them and they stung like crazy, My eyes were shut tightly. Luke dragged me over to the sink and rinsed my hands before finally saying ,"I'm sorry if that hurt. I tried to be careful," he apologised.

"No, it's fine. You were only helping and things can only get worse before they get better right?" I insisted. I only just realised how close we were. I could feel his warm breath against my face. We leaned in slowly as my mind began to race.

"Yo peeps. I was thinking: movie, pizza night, Vicki's pick," Michael announced, clearly oblivious to all previous events. Me and Luke pulled apart quickly before Michael reached the doorway and pretended like nothing had just happened.

"Yeah sure! Sounds good [feels good]," Luke said.

"Totally," I agreed.

"Cool. I'll tell Calum and Ash. Oh and Charlotte is coming by the way,"

"Who's Charlotte?" I asked.

"Michael's girlfriend. You'll like her, seriously," Luke explained. I just hoped she wasn't like Shannon.


Hiya my lovelies!

Sorry I can't update regularly but I will try and do at least one chapter a week :)

Missy xxx


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