Breaking his jar of hearts - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - I am going back to bed

Charlie, Blair, Una and I left Dylan and Kyle at the changing room, Damien had gone ahead to get us seats. Apparently football was a big thing in this school everyone came to support their school including the nerds, emo and loners; you name the stereotype they would be at this game. Being it was the first game of the year, people were full of school spirit you feel it like oxygen in the air. As we grew closer to the field we heard chanting. "Go Go Go......Up-bright High, go home Manton" We were playing against Manton Academy, our long rivals we had won and lost against them around the same number of times, and the posh private school at the other end of town, that everyone who comes to Up-bright high hate. So this friendly game or that was what it was met to be would be nothing but friendly. A couple of guys ran past us, with grey and blue lines of paint under their eyes, blue and grey being are schools colours. One had a grey t-shirt with blue luminous paint all over it, and the other had gone as far as to have a Cheetah painted on his bare back, that being our school's animal.

As we grew even closer to the field you could hear, 'Party all night' by Sean Kingston full blast, making the air vibrate, you could almost see the pulsates of sound it was that loud. "That's our school's song?" shouted Charlie coming closer to my ear to shout other the music, which seemed to take over you mind. I nodded, god this school loved sports if it would be like this for every game I am surprised that school doesn't just give up on other lessons and just do sports. You could hear people singing along, and others just plain shouting. As we round the corner into the school stadium at the end of the field there was one half of the field which was full of Grey and Blue, people jumping up and down with the beat of the song. Some singing, the words to the song and others just shouting abuse to the other team's supporters.

Being it was November is was dark already and it was only six o'clock school finishing at four the guys then had a one hour pre-game practice, then an hour to prepare themselves, don't ask me what they did because I wasn't allowed in. It was slightly cold too, but no one seemed to care, the big flood lights were on and the whole stadium was full of life, people seemed to be generating heat with their excitement and energy making anyone forget instantly about the chill. Making me grin, I looked to the other side, to see the other team's supports, they were all sat down. Not singing, not dancing and not shouting their own abuse, just sat there. If I wasn't already buzzed up from my schools support I would have felt bad that the abuse was one sided, the difference between are schools was scarily apparent at that moment the contrast was so extreme.

The song ended but no one stopped singing it, or dancing it was like the jumps of are school pupils on the metal stand were creating the beat for the dancers and the cheerleaders who were dancing in front of are side of the stadium, on the grass. Chad the Cheetah was running round to break dancing now and again. "Damien is over there" Shouted Una to be heard over all noise, I am surprised that people haven't complained about the noise but then when I think about it they were probably used to it. We walked over to get onto the stands to head towards Damien who was sat in the middle, of the sea of grey and blue. We reached the end of the line of benches Damien was on, I was surprised that the benches were still stood with the amount of bouncing and dancing was going on. I went to step on to the bench and walk along behind the people who were currently stood up but instead came face to face with a cute looking guy, he had brown hair and blue eyes which were heighten by the blue strips he had under his eyes with grey ones underneath them. "Come girls, support your team" he held out a blue and grey pens, you know sharpies. Charlie grinned and grabbed it; she drew two grey and two blue lines across each cheek neatly under her eye makeup. She passed them two Una who did the same, Una drew them on complaining Blair ignoring her protests completely and then I grabbed them off her and drew my own. The guy grinned and took the back "Have fun girls" he said letting us pass, moving away to his next people I guess.

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