Breaking his jar of hearts - Dinner

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Hey so thankyou for reading my book.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 7 – Dinner

I sat oppiste Jasper, waiting for him to order the waitress was still flirting with him, seeming oblivious to the fact I was sat here. Jasper looked pretty bored him self and kept sending me meaningful looks like he wanted me to do something about the women who wouldn’t shut up and let him order. In the end I got so hungry that I snapped, “Right shut up, I will have cheese burger with extra bacon, fries and no beans and he will have the same, go before I call your manager” as soon as the word manager dropped from my lips she disapeared in a flash. Jasper closed his eyes “Thank you” he almost shighed “No problem” I said, crossing my arms and looking out the window.

“So…” said Jasper bring my attention to him, away from the interesting car park. “So what?” I said, whenever I got hungry I always got annoyed. He smirked, “You alright?” he asked with something sparkling in his eyes. “NO I am hungry” his smirked turned it to a small smile, “Yeah sorry about that, I thought she understand we were on a date but apparently not.” I was taken aback when he said that this was a date because I thought we were just eating because it was late, but I decided not to mention anything, and let the guys decided if this was a good or bad thing when I got back.

I nodded not sure what to say and he smiled looking a little unsure himself he looked down at the bright red table top. He cleared his throat “I know this isn’t the best date in the world, I promise I am usually more romantic then this” he looked around almost scared, I couldn’t help but smile at seeing the side Carl said he had coming out. “So you have become friends with Kyle huh?” he said looking back at me, I nodded “Yeah he is cool” he smiled “yeah did you know that him and Bryce used to be close” I shook my head not believing him, it not like they hated each other but weren’t close. He smiled and nodded “yeah they used to be like that” he said crossing his middle finger over his fore finger. I shook my head again “Like brothers should be you know” and I saw something flash in his eyes which made the words flow from my mouth before I could stop them. “You’re not like that with your brother.” His eyes which had been wondering around my face, snapped to my eyes frowning. “How do you know my brother, he’s like four” I shook my head but stored the information that he had two brothers in the back of my mind for later.

“No Liam” his hand curled in to fist, and for some reason I had a strong urge to lean across and take his fist in my hand, but I didn’t I picked up my fork to keep my hand busy instead. “Who told you I was brothers with that asshole?” he said glaring at something behind me. I was going to tell him Liam told me himself but then I thought better “I don’t know maybe someone at school” his glare turned into a frown and he looked back at me “No one at school knows, I made sure of that.” Then in a voice which almost scared me he said “Please don’t tell anyone” it didn’t scare me because he shouted it or said it in threatening manner but he whispered it almost as if he was in pain or broken. “I promise” I said trying to smile, I don’t know if he believed me or not, but he did seem a little less tense. “Yeah well me and my brother have never been close and never will be” he said once again looking over my head, I nodded trying to tell him that I understand and he doesn’t have to tall me anymore.

But the words seemed to flow from his mouth without him knowing he was speaking out loud. “He is a jackass, you can tell that by spending time with him” I frowned I had found Liam alright when we talked earlier. “He took my dad’s side, that asshole” I didn’t know what his dad side was but I nodded not wanting to interrupt whatever Jasper was talking about, because I know that it is better to have some to listen even if they don’t know what you are completely talking about. “He does even care about me, mum or Freddie” I guess Freddie was his little brother, but I couldn’t be sure. “but of course the real reason I hate him is…”

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