Breaking his jar of hearts - Chapter 6

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Hey Hey hey

I am back, exams finished.

Now thank you for sticking with this book, and sorry with the really big gap between last chapter and this one. =D

Chapter 6 – Brothers

I sat in my English class waiting for Jasper to come in, I was sure that I would be able to complete this stage I had been myself all my life it was not going to turn hard now. I tapped my pen on the table miss had already started teaching not that I was paying attention, I was too busy watching the door, waiting for Jasper to entre with his smirk proud on his face, but he didn’t come in.

I walked out confused to why Jasper wouldn’t turn up to English unless he decided to skive, I shook thought of Jasper from my mind as I saw Blair talking to the girl from last night I think Rachel I remembered her name as. I walked up to them, “Hey” I said smiling at my new sort of friend she grinned back “Hey, nice to meet you when we are both sober” she said with a friendly smile which showed me she was joking. “Yeah you to” we both laughed as we shook hands.

Then Andy came up beside her, and they high fived I frowned in confuse-meant weren’t they dating. “Andy meet Hazel she’s my new friend, Hazel meet Andy he is my best friend” as she said best friend I saw Andy glance at her, and I could tell that one day he wishes he could be introduced by her as something more the her best friend. But he turned to me and shook my hand anyway “You’re the new girl the one from the party” he said and I nodded grinned, he smiled back. “Well we better get to class” said Rachel grabbing Andy’s hand started dragging him down the corridor.

As I watched them go I almost felt sorry for Andy that Rachel couldn’t see how much he liked her, I wonder if she feels the same way and it would be just like them books Blair reads on line on a website called wattpad, well something like that anyway. “Speaking of next lesson” said Blair before disappearing I took that as my cue to go to PE.

I walked down the corridor on the way to PE, and Kyle, Dylan and Bruce appeared Bruce wasn’t walking with us but in front and I was surprised to find that jasper wasn’t with him and even when we started PE, Jasper still hadn’t arrived.

He didn’t come to school, all throughout the day no one could work out where he was. No one seems to actually know everyone was spreading rumours to where he could be. I almost found myself disappointed that I hadn’t seen him, but I told myself that it was because I couldn’t complete the next step in the plan not because I liked him.

As the gang had already planned out the shopping spree, we all piled into Kyle’s truck at the end of the day, heading towards the centre of town. As he pulled into the car park, I felt my phone start to vibrate it my pocket. I pulled it out to see ‘Mum’ flashing on the screen meaning my mum had decided to call me from her holiday of a life time. I jumped out the truck as Kyle slowed down getting ready to turn into a space. I clicked answer on my phone, unwillingly bring it to my ear to hear what my mum wanted, but only surprised to hear my dad’s voice instead. “Hazel, I am told your Physic grade is not good enough, so I have contacted your school to sort out a tutor. I suspect better from you.’ Then his voice and the call cut out, I brought my phone away from my ear rolling my eyes “Love you two dad” I said to the empty air around me, I know I should be used to my parents by now I had known them all my life, but I was still shocked every time they well talked to me really.

“You ok?” I turned to see Una stood next to me with a concerned expression but a soft smile. “What? Yeah fine” I said walking towards the door once all the others had arrived I heard them all follow me; I could hear them whispering but I drowned it out. I walked through the many people who had decided to shop that night as well until I reached my favourite story. I turned round to face the others to see them all smiling “Well me and Kyle are going to hit the arcade” said Dylan, as they started to walk off, “See you girls later” I glanced at Damien to see him rolling his eyes but otherwise seemed un offended by being called a girl. “I was going to take Blair to Clair’s” said Una grinning and grabbing Blair’s arm before dragging her off. “And then there was three” both Charlie and I laughed before turning to go into the shop with Damien, following behind.

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