Just A Little Bit Of Hope

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I haven't been near the host club for over three weeks not and within those three weeks, Kaoru hasn't come to school and I haven't seen Mori around either. Apparently Honey has stopped eating eat. I have caught Haruhi glancing at me sometimes. When I walk the halls I sometime see Tamaki and Kyouya walking past with sad expressions and some time worry faces.

Walking out of classes I walk downstairs, PE today, I got change on my own pulling my red shorts on and my white t-shirt with my name written on the front. Today we are having a volleyball lesson in the gymnasium.

Before leaving the changing room I looked in the mirror and touched the plaster on my love bites. Even though it's been three weeks the love bites are still there.

Walking out we all enter the gymnasium, we get slit into two teams. I'm so glad it is just us girls, I think mixing boys and girls together is weird.

We all get our hands at the ready and bend over, I mainly stay at the back so the ball doesn't come to me a lot but I am always back up.

"I've got it!" A girl yells.

The ball head my way and I walk toward before I start running to it. The me and the girl collide and we fall to the floor. The ball coming down with us.

"Ow-Ow-Ow" The girl sits up rubbing her elbow.

I sit up as well rubbing my back.

"A-Akane... Your plaster" The girl says point.

I look down to see my plaster, the one hiding all my love bites was falling off.

They are going to think I am a sl*t now. What if some of them start bullying me about it. And Kaoru... I start crying and I run out of the gymnasium.

I go outside hugging my knees to my chest and cry quietly onto my knees. I know it was an accident and it wasn't the girl's fault either, it wasn't my fault either, I am just upset about the whole situation I have pretty much lost all my friends who are all so dear to me. Especially Mori.

I start crying again holding my face in my hands.

I have lost Mori, I lost him! That was probably my last chance with him and I ruined it, I should of thought of a better revenge plan... I'm so stupid. Such a Baka.


I look up and most of the girls from the gymnasium were standing in front of me. The one who bumped into my hold out her hand with a wide smile.

"Akane, we are here for you if you need us"

"R-Really?" I ask.

They all nod with smiles.

"Thanks you guys, your support is making me better than I already feel" I smile.

I think there may be just a little bit of hope in this.

I'll build up the courage to see them all again someday, for now, I think my courage needs a big amount of building up.

Taking the girl's hand she pulls me up and we all go back into the gymnasium to have one more round of volleyball, this time, I stood in the middle.

My Little Monster. (OC x Mori). {Ouran High School Host Club FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now