please don't feed the children chp. 6 part 1

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You want to know the best part of waking up in someone else’s arms?

They tighten around you when you wake to protect you. And you’ll feel completely and utterly safe.

Even if you hear screaming.

My eyes jolted open to look around. Lane’s breathing picked up pace and pounded against the skin of my back. Despite that, he pulls his arms closer around me to create a semi- comforting embrace. But the wall that bangs loudly across from us makes me on edge. The sound of shrieking gets louder and louder until it pierced the walls of our ear drums, leaving a echoing in my head.

I could already tell this was another one of their successful hunts and now the prey had come to meet a grisly end.

I close my eyes for a moment, as if it could block out the next blood curdling scream bouncing off the stone. But I can’t pretend forever, so I open my eyes. The stone I look back at has a cold, terrifying stare. A flow of blood comes from the crack in its mouth which makes me nearly shriek myself as it comes closer to me.

Before I could open my mouth, Lane pulls me upright with his strong arms and drags both of us farther from the pool forming. There must’ve been one hell of a blood bath happening in the cell across from us to make this much of a mess.

I shudder at the thought as I feel the hands of a warm body around my waist. I look back to the chin of a boy I knew, a boy I’ve gotten to know very well.

His hazel eyes read my blue ones, sending me a signal of worry.

I wanted to speak, wanted to shower him in kisses, but another earth shattering boom from the cell next to us sent me back to reality.

They were here.

They were killing prey.

They were killing a person.

The signal Lane shot me once again wasn’t one full of desire, nor passion.

It was fear.

So I kept my mouth shut and stayed in an eerie silence as I listen to the murder happening a block down from us. The swirl of scarlet came closer to us, creeping slowly until it was only about a foot away. But by that time, all noise came to an uttering stop. And for some reason, I’d much rather hear the screaming.

A loud thump and the slam of a cage door was all it took for me and Lane to break apart.

I fall forwards and he backwards. My chin throbs from the contact with the stone when I face plant. I jerk upwards and rub my face to ride out the pain. And when I bring my fingers back to my lap, a shade of dark crimson blankets them.

 I had fallen in the blood.

My hands shook as I frantically tried to rub the remnants of a person once alive off my body. Lane shuffled over to help me at first, but then he sunk away as they came to the bars. The submissive one was covered with droplets of red rain, but it was obvious to me that the dominant one had done all the work for a change.

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