Chapter 6 I'm Sorry, I Can't See That You Truly Love Me

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AYYYYY OHHHHH!!!!! No but seriously, sorry i havent updated in a while, iv actually been hanging out with friends *GASP!* And i got 3 teeth pulled and also oral sergary yesterday, so my mouth is killing meeeee. Welllllll anywho, heres chapter 6 :3 



"M-m-mike?" Tony said with a shaky voice that was barely audible, he looked up to face me.

"mmhm?" I said, with my eyes closed and my head rested against the wall, Tony still in my arms.

"Thanks." He whispered.

"For what?" I questioned

"For being here for me." he said he quieter. 



**Mikes POV**

" No problem bud!!" i said, tightening the hug a little, and reassuring him i was totally fine with it.

In responce, Tony just smiled up at me and cuddled further into my cheast.

We sat there for a while just cuddling. It was weird because i didnt mind being this close to Tony. It was actually kinda nice.

I didnt relize i was playing with Tony's hair until he said something.

"Uhh Mike...?"

"Wha-" was all i had to say to relize i was practically petting Tony.

"Oh, Uhh.. sorry man." i said blushing slightly.

"I never said i didnt like it.." Tony smerked.

I grined in responce, and picked up his brade and started playing with it.

Everything just felt so right. having Tony in my arms felt right. Cuddling with him felt right. Everything was just perfect.

"But why am i enjoying this? Tony's a guy..." i thouht to myself.

I suddenly felt disgusted.

I'm probably just lonely cause I haven't had some action in a while. That's all.

I cant have feelings for Tony...

Wait did I just admit to myself that I like him? 

 What the hell Mike get yo shit together.

"Mike you alright?" Tony asked with a concerned look on his face. "You're practically shaking.."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine." I said emotionlessly, getting up and removing the turtle from my lap.

"i just need a smoke. That's all" i said leaving the room.

"Wait Mike!!" i heard Tony yell.

"Wha-" was all i could say before Tony's lips collided with mine.


**VIC'S POV***

The movie wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Every time there was a scary part, Skylar would tighten his grip on me, whisper in my ear " I gotcha" and kiss my neck.

I'm surprised "Mini Me" didn't come up to visit, because damn those neck kisses where hot.

When the movie ended it was around 10:30PM

"So you want me to drive you home or you wanna stay here for the night?" Skylar asked with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head rested on my shoulder.

"I would love to spend the night, but my brothers probably worrying about me. i never told him where i was going in the first place."

"Awww well alright." Skylar said sounding disappointed

"Hey, i no! why don't you come over my house. I have a nice big spare bedroom we can share." i said with a wink.

" Okay cool!! let me just go grab some stuff for the night and we can leave." Skylar said running up the stares to his room.

while I waited I decided to check my phone. When i turned it on I had 4 missed calls and 9 texts from Cara, and 8 missed calls from Tony.

Shit! I completely forgot about Tony and how i ran off. i feel really bad about the whole pushing-Tony-off-me dilemma, I was just confused, but now I'm like 110% sure I'm gay. thanks to Skylar. All i really want is to see Tony, or hear his voice.

But my biggest problem was Cara. I need to end things with her so i don't hurt anyone.

I decided id tell her tomorrow.

" Alright ready to go babe?" Skylar said slapping my ass, and then slipping his arms around my waist.

did he just call me babe? And then slap my ass?

He seriously needs to hop off my dick, i got a man, well he's not my man yet. but he will be soon. I hope 

I really need to explain this whole thing to Skylar so he knows we are just friends. nothing more.

" Yeah I'm ready" I said unenthusiastically.

When we got to my house, Mike and Jaime were in the "Man Cave" playing xbox as usual, but no turtle in sight.

"Mike, Jaime, this is my good friend Skylar." I said stepping in front of the TV screen so i had their full attention.

"Nice to meet you!" they both said in sync.

"So I'm guessing this is who you've been with all day?" Mike said crossing his arms.

"Yeah pretty much." i said looking up at Skylar and smiling.

Mike and Skylar instantly clicked, which was good, cause I really needed to talk to someone and keep Skylar distracted, and that someone would be Jaime.

I ran up to Jaime grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the Man Cave and into the back lounge.

"What the hell dude!! I was going 14 and 0!" Jaime yelled ( only girls/guys that play COD with get that lel)

" I don't give a fuck, this is way more important then your stupid game!!!! I have a lot on my mind and i really need someone to talk to." I said holding my head in my hands.

"Alright sorry man, talk away. I'm here for you. And does it have to do with Cara?"

"It's the complete opposite. please don't judge me if i tell you this."

" I don't judge anyone!" Jaime said with a reassuring smile.

"Well.." I paused "I'm gay.."

"I KNEW IT!!!!" Jaime yelled "I always had a feeling you were a little curvy and not so straight!" Jaime beamed, elbowing me in the side.

"And besides I'm Bi! but don't worry i wont try anything, i got my eye on mike."

"well i got my eye on Tony" i said blushing slightly

"AWWWWW!!!!! That's fucking adorable!!! you should tell him!!!"

"shhhh!! and Its not that easy, that's what's troubling me."

After i explained everything single detail to Jaime about what happened. he looked like he was going to pass out.

"Damn it vic, you have more drama in your life then a 16 year old girl!! The best thing to do right now is just talk it out with tony and make sure Skylar understands you guys are just friends"

He was right. Jaime always knew what's best for me.

But first i gotta tell mike I'm gay. That's the hardest part.


Sorry if this chapter was shit. and sorry for not updating sooner

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