Chapter 1 Turtle Troubles

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Helloooo!!! ok so this is my very first fanfic and I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. All of my friends have told me I'm a good writer, so I decided to make a Wattpad. hope you guys enjoy the story!! (p.s if you don't like it, tell me and Ill stop writing!! bye!!!)



I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating.

Rolling over so I was facing my nightstand, I sleepily grabbed my phone. What awoke me from my sleep was a text from my girlfriend, Cara. Great.

It read:

Morning baby!! hope I didn't wake you! I was wondering if you could stop by my place today and we could hang out!!! Love you Vickypoo!!!<3

 I groaned at the sight of the text she sent me. Not bothering to reply, I threw my phone at the foot of my bed. I love Cara, but lately I haven't felt attracted to her. I don't no what my problem is, but all I no is I don't wanna spend the day with her. that's for sure. I swung my feet over the side of my bed. I glanced up at Jaime, who I shared a room with. He was sound asleep in the bed across from me, snoring a little. I laughed to myself and stood up and stretched. I surprisingly slept well, and felt ready to start the day. I walked over to the end of my bed retrieving my phone, and checked the time. It was only 7:30 A.M. I normally didn't wake up this early, but I just shrugged it off and made my way to the bathroom to have a nice warm shower.

After I dried off and decided on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white V-neck, black vans, and a black beanie, I quietly made my way down stairs to the kitchen.

I don't no what got into me, cause I started making breakfast. I don't normally cook, but only when I'm happy. So I'm guessing todays going to be a good one.

" Someone's in a good mood!" a familiar voice said. I jumped at the sound of the persons voice, since I was so focused on flipping pancakes. I spun around quickly, seeing it was only mike.

" Oh, uh yeah." I mumbled, going back to the pancakes to make sure they didn't burn. " What's got you so happy?" mike questioned as he made his way to the table and sat down. "nothing really, I kind of just woke up this way." "well I'm not complaining, you're making food, so that means I don't have to." mike smirked. "so? That doesn't mean I'm cooking for you!" I said pointing the spatula at him. Mike raised his hands in the air like I was going to shoot him or something. we stayed like that till we both busted out laughing.

Just as I went to put down a big plate of pancakes on the table, an angry looking Jaime walked in. "You guys are so loud!" he complained, but his face quickly lit up seeing the pancakes I placed on the table. He rushed to the table sitting down next to mike. they both attacked the pancakes with their forks. "Hey! save some for me and the turtle!!" I shouted. "speaking of tony, where is he?" Mike said with a mouth full of pancakes. "still sleeping" Jaime said (since they shared a room together.)

After Mike, Jaime and I finished eating I cleaned up. I felt like a housewife. I made a new plate of pancakes for tony since there were no more. Jaime and Mike were in the "man cave" (AKA the living room) playing Xbox. Just then tony walked in. The sight of him gave me butterfl- what? no vic. what are you saying?!? Tony doesn't give you butterflies! you have a beautiful girlfriend, duh!

I didn't relies I was staring at him until he said something. " Uhh.. you okay dude?" "what? oh uh yeah, I'm fine." I said blushing a little. Tony must of saw because he gave me the weirdest look ever. Great going vic!! now you made things awkward!!! He sat down at the table and said something but as cheesy as it sounds I was lost in his beautiful brown eyes. " You really have got to stop doing that." he winked. HOLY SHIT HE WINKED AT ME!! What was that supposed to mean?? does tony like me? wait why do I even care if he does I'm straight!!! I shook the thoughts from my head, I went to respond but I just sat there with my mouth open blushing.

" Listen dude, are these pancakes mine or not? I'm starving!" "Oh um yeah I completely forgot. yeah those are yours! I made them for you since Mike and Jaime ate all the pancakes I made before." I said smiling like an idiot. "thanks man!" he said patting my back. his touch made me melt. god he's cute. WHAT? holy shit vic! get you crap together! you do not like tony fucking-sexy-ass perry. okay either tony changed his middle name to "fucking-sexy-ass" or I like him.


YAYAYAY!!! first chapter done!!!! woohoo!! please let me no what you guys think. and whether or not I should keep going with the story. 

comment, vote, and all that good stuff!!

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