Chapter 10 Xbox, Movies, and Jack?

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I rolled around in bed, unsure of what woke me. After I realized I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, I sat up checking the time, 7:09 AM. I looked over at the window, the only source of light that fled into the room.

"Ugh." I grunted. "Fucking Vic forgot to shut the blinds last night. That lil shit." I whispered, shooting a glare towards the peacefully sleeping Vic, that was sprawled out on his bed, one foot hanging over the side, snoring quietly.

I might be able to sleep through anything sound wise, but when it comes to light, I need it to be pitch black when I'm sleeping, and Vic leaving the blinds open isn't helping.

Sure, maybe I'm overreacting just little, but sleep is important. Am I right?

I waltzed into the bathroom that Vic and I share, and stared at myself in the mirror

"Lookin good." I smiled to myself.

After I finished admiring my beauty, I decided to take a shower. I striped from my clothes and got in.

The warm, refreshing water, trickled down my body, as I tilted my head back into the running water, and ran my fingers through my hair. 

As I washed myself, I thought about what I could do today to be somewhat productive. I could play the drums, or hang out with one of the guys.

Ideas still ran though my head, as I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I returned to my room and decided on what to wear. I settled on a pare of black skinnies, and a Misfits shirt.

I made my way down stairs to make some tea and play some Xbox. What? you can be hardcore and still drink tea. Get off my back.

I finally settled myself in the back lounge with a piping hot cup of tea and Modern Warfare 2 in the disk tray. I grabbed my Turtle Beach headset, and started a game of Ground War.

After I spawned, I ran around to try to find a good camping spot. So I'm a camper, big whoop.

I was going 4 and 0 and was about to call in my care package, until some ass hat from the other team decided to snipe me.

"God fucking damn it!" I yelled.

I heard laughing from the other team through my headset. "You suck at this game, just give up." some kid that sound like he was about five, snorted.

"Shut the hell up kid." I snapped.

" 1v1 me bro, ill 360 no scope your ass."

I scoffed. "You're embarrassing yourself."

After 20 minuets of playing, and having this kid say random shit that was supposed to make me feel bad, I killed him.

"HA! HOWS IT FEEL DOUCHE BAG?" I yelled into my headset.

I heard muffled screams in the background, the kid was probably raging cause of how good I am.  

"Is this what you do on your free time Mike?" A familiar voice asked

I looked over at the doorway, and saw my spiky-haired friend standing there.

"You get into stupid fights with kids half your age, over a game?" he chuckled. 

"Shut up, okay? He was being a jerk!" I stated, as I took my headset off

"I know, I'm just messing. Hey..." He paused. "Since when are you up this early?"

"Well, Vic being the bright one that he is, decided to leave the blinds open and our room was lit up like a fucking Christmas tree." I exclaimed.

"Wonderful." he smiled, sarcasm dripping from his mouth.

Jaime moved from his spot in the doorway, and plopped down next to me on the black leather couch.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" He questioned

I sat for a moment thinking, even I was unsure of what I was going to do today. After I settled on an answer, I looked over at Jaime, who was patiently waiting.

"Probably sit inside all day, watching movies. I mean, I have nothing better to do, and it's supposed to rain today."

"I like the rain," he stated.

I just hummed in response.

Without even trying, I accidentally created an awkward silence. I was quite confused why it was awkward, but tension hung in the air, making me shift in my seat, until Jaime broke the eerie silence.

" you mind if I join you?" he let out slowly, as if he was afraid of the answer.

"Sure!" I said a little to quickly, making him jump a little in my sudden outburst. 

"Uh.. thanks."

Why was this so awkward? Am I awkward? Or is Jaime just exceptionally awkward today? which was very unlikely of him.

An idea suddenly exploded in my head.

I'll just invite Jack over. There is never an awkward, or dull moment with the one and only, Jack Barakat around.

"You're so smart Mike." I mentally applauded myself.

"Do you mind if I invite Jack over?"

I saw sometime flash in his eyes, but it was too quick for me to read it.

He just shook his head. "No, its fine." he smiled.

Oh boy, this will be interesting.   

This was a BIG and I mean HUGE filler. sorry about that. I know this is a Perrentes fic but I wanted to focus on Mike and Jaime a little, you know, give them a little attention. Comment if you think I should have more stuff about Mike and Jaime in the fic.

Oh and sorry about all the xbox stuff. I kinda nerded out on you guys. Props to you if you understood all of it. Hehe I've been playing xbox for like forever.

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