Chapter one: "Popping the question."

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It has been nine years since everything that as happened with Wendy werewolf, and Lover's Mansion. Dipper Pines has grown to be a smart, hard working, handsome man.
He has a job as a paranormal book writter. His stories are always filled with mystery, and adventure. His books became the #1 seller in the Gravity Falls book store.

Awhile his girlfriend Wendy Corduroy, works as an animal biologist. She had become a beautiful, strong, smart young lady. She goes around the world studying the amazing animals of our planet, but always comes home to her boyfriend. They have always been there for each other no matter what it was. Even if it was going through living hell.

It was a rainy night in the Mystery Shack where Dipper, and his sister Mabel Pines lived. Dipper was out at a book signing, leaving his sister home alone. She was humming to her self as she made her way to her brother's, and her room. When she came through the door, she saw something on her brother's bed, along with a note.

"What is this now?"

She found a small, black, box with a tag in it that had the name Wendy written on it.

"Oh that Dipper, always buying this for his girl!"

Mabel opened the box, and found a folded up piece of paper in it. She unfolded the paper, and read what it said.

"For the love of my life."

"Since the day I met you, I couldn't get you out of my mind."

"So with these words I write to you, and with all my heart and soul I ask you once, or maybe twice."

" Wendy Corduroy, will you be my wife?"

Mabel gasped at the note she just read. She couldn't believe it, her brother was going to propose to Wendy!

"OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!!!!!!" Mabel could hardly contain her excitement. She had to talk to Dipper about this right away! When Dipper got home an hour later, before he even got through the door he was trampled by his sister.

"Mabel, what is going on?"

"You tell me, Mr. Groom!"

"Groom? What are you...You saw!?"

"Heck yeah! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

"When are you going to do it?"

"Tonight, we have a date night."


"Please don't tell her."

"I won't, but I am going to help her get ready. Sound good?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Great! Bye!"

Mabel ran out the door of the shack and headed for Wendy's house. Dipper got up, and brushed himself off. He went upstairs to get ready for his date night with Wendy, when his phone rang. He picked up his phone to see Mabel calling.


"I also forgot to ask, how are you going to propose?"

"Don't worry sis, I have it all figured out. I'm going to take her to "The Old Spaghetti Factory restaurant", and play a romantic song, ask her to dance, then pop the question."

"That sounds great! Well I'm going to get Wendy ready. You should do the same."

"Already on it."

"Okay, meet me at her place to at 8:00 got it?"

"Got it."

"Okay bye!"

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