Chapter five: "Grow old together."

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Almost 30 years has pasted since Dipper and Wendy were married and had a pair of twins. Abby and Deviant are both 29 years old. Abby is a redheaded girl like her mother. She has become a beautiful, talented, young lady. She has become a dancer, and loves to teach young ones how to dance.

Daviant on the other hand is also a redhead like his mother, but looks like his father, and even has freckles too unlike Abby. Daviant works as a reporter for the Gravity Falls news. He always tells the strangest and most unusual stories on the news. Both twins are married themselves and both have children. Abby has three kids, and Daviant has two kids.

Both twins have moved out of their parents home, and live on the other side of town with their own families.
Of course Wendy and Dipper missed the kids being around, but they were happy they have grown up. They were happy that the kids have great jobs, and great families. And they were happy they still had each other.
As the years continued to go on, Wendy started to feel unwell. Dipper was worried about her, and brought her to the hospital. There he got very bad news about her.

She had cancer.

The doctors thought it was best for Dipper to do everything he could to help her get around. Dipper did everything he could, but he needed help himself in his old age. The Old couple tried very hard to help each other out as much as they could. One day Dipper thought it was best to call his kids to tell them the news about Wendy.


"Hey Daviant, it's Dad."

"Oh, hey dad, what's up?"

"I have bad news about your mother."

"What, is she okay?"

"No, she has cancer. We don't know how long as has left."

"Oh my god, dad I'm so sorry."

"You should call Abby, and tell her what I told you."

"Of course."

"Okay, bye I love you son."

"Love you too dad."

Dipper hanged up, and went to his wife that was in bed. Dipper didn't know what else to do but pray for her. He loved her more then anything but he didn't have much time to spend with her now. Another month passed, and Wendy was on her death bed. All of the family members join to see her before she left. Abby and Deviant were both crying when they saw Wendy. But no one cried more then Dipper did.

"Come on Wendy, I know you can beat it."

"Dipper, it's going to be alright."

"No it won't be! I love you and I can't lose you!"

"Dipper, remember I'll always be with you, even if you can't see me. I'm here."

Everyone said their final goodbyes and Wendy finally passed away. Dipper stayed by her bed crying. Abby and Deviant went to their farther's side and held him. Dipper held back and continued to weep.

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