Chapter three: "Starting a future."

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A few days after Wendy gave birth to their son and daughter, the two parents were so happy they couldn't stand it. Wendy had to stay home on watch the kids, as Dipper would continue to write books. Mabel would come around once and awhile to see her niece and nephew. One day Mabel came over to check on Wendy and the kids.

"Hey Wendy, how are you, and the kids?"

"We're fine Mabel, but I haven't been feeling to good lately."

"Hm, well what has been happening that makes you feel so bad?"

"I've been having headaches and stomach issues."

"Hmm, I think I have something for that."

Since Mabel was now a nurse, she knew what to give her to make her feel better. She gave her some special medicine, and an hour later she felt much better.

"I don't know how you did it, but I feel great."

"Of course you do, sprinkles and maple syrup always works."

"Wait, what?"

"Nothing, never mind!"

A few hours later Dipper came home, and the first thing he sees is his wife holding the twins in her arms. Dipper smiles, and walks up to her, and starts to hold his son.


A few years later the twins were both 5 years old, and were getting into every thing. When Dipper was at work, Wendy had to do everything around the house. She couldn't even sit down for 2 minutes without having to clean a mess. One night Wendy was making dinner for the family when....


"The heck was that?!"

Wendy goes into the living room to see a torn apart room. It had clothes on the floor. All the furniture had teeth marks on it. And every thing was ether broken or very dirty.

"You gotta be kidding me..."


When dinner was over Wendy put Abby and Daviant to bed. Wendy flopped on her bed, and went to sleep instantly. Dipper came home a few minutes later to see his wife there on the bed in a deep sleep. He walked over to her, kissed her head, and went to bed himself.

The next day Dipper had the day off so he stayed home with his family. Wendy was still a sleep when Dipper was playing with the twins.

"Come at me Abby!"


"Me next!"

"2 against 1? That's not fair!"

"We know!"

"Get him!"

"Noooo!! I have been bested by children!"


"Got you daddy!"

Wendy heard all the laughing and came to see the kids playing with Dipper. She smiled and decide to join in.

"Make room for mommy!"


"Get them!"

"Yeah get her kids! I'm on your side!"


The whole family spent most of the day playing and having fun. It was a good change of pace for Wendy not having to clean up every single mess.
Later that night the whole family fell asleep in the couch from all the playing, and laughter they shared.

Authors note:

Sorry for the short chapter, but I was going to make it longer, but the things I wanted to put in here are for the other chapter.

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