Chapter two: "You're going to have a what?!"

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When Wendy got the news she was pregnant, she could hardly believe it. When she got home, she called her husband Dipper to let him know the news.

Meanwhile Dipper was at a book signing at the Gravity Falls book store. Dipper signing his new book "The missing emeralds." For all his fans, and readers, when his phone rang. He picked up his phone to see Wendy was calling him.

"Hey honey, what's up?"

"Dipper, I have great news!"

"What baby, what is it?"

"Dipper, I'm pregnant!"


"It's true!!"

"AHHHHHHHH!!! I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!! Don't go anywhere Wendy, I'm on my way!!"

With that Dipper left the book signing and hurryed on home to his wife. When he got through the door he saw his wife on the couch. She ran up to him, and picked her up and swang her around. Dipper and Wendy were both so excited to become parents, but there was a problem. Because Wendy was now pregnant she couldn't travel around the world anymore. She will have to quit her job in order to watch her baby. Wendy knew this, and hated that fact, but she knew it was for the greater good.

"When are you due Wendy?!"

"Some time in July. It is September after all."

"Oh my god! We need to tell everyone!"

Dipper and Wendy called both their families over to tell them the news. When they got to their house both families came in and sat down, waiting for the news. Dipper and Wendy both came down stairs a few minutes later, with big grins on their faces.

"Okay kids, what is the big news, that you dragged us here for?" Said Stan who was a little annoyed with being dragged there.

"Yeah son, what is the news?" Asked Dipper's dad.

"Well, every one meet Dipper Jr." Said Dipper pointing at Wendy's stomach.

"What kind of joke is that?!" Yelled Stan.


"What is going on here? Is Mabel on smile dip again?" Asked Stan as Mabel trampled Dipper.

"No Stan, I'm pregnant. And we are not naming it Dipper Jr!"


"Ahh man, congress dudes. I'm happy for you."

"Thanks Soos. That means a lot."

"Yeah that's just what we need, another runt running around the shack."

"Oh lighten up uncle Stan."

"Ugh fine Arthur!"

About a six months later in March, Dipper and Wendy went to an ultra sound, to see if they were having a boy or girl. When they got there the doctor got Wendy ready for her ultrasound.

"So Doctor, how is our bun in the oven?" Asked Dipper, holding Wendy's hand.

"Don't you mean, "buns" in the oven?"

"What do you mea.....Are you saying?!"

"Yep twins! One boy, and one girl!"

Dipper and Wendy couldn't believe it they were having twins! Dipper was very excited since he is a twin himself. Wendy was excited too, but not nearly as excited as her husband.

When they got home, Dipper called his sister to tell her they were having twins. He waited about 1 minute before she picked up her phone.

"Hey bro, what's up?"

"Mabel, me and Wendy are having twins!"




"Okay I got to go for now Mabel. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay bye bro."


Dipper then hanged up his phone and sat with his wife. Months have passed and Wendy has been going through tough times. She was having cravings, morning sickness, mood swings, and couldn't sleep for the last three months. But July finally came. Dipper was at his office writing his new book, when the phone rang.


"Dipper, my water broke!"


"You have to hurry!!"

"I'm on my way!!"

Dipper then drove home very fast, and brought Wendy to the hospital. Doctors saw her and took her to the back right away. Dipper followed until the came to the room. He held her hand as the doctors started to help her. Soon after they came both their families came over to see. Before Wendy called Dipper, she called their families.

"Okay Mrs. Pines you're doing fine."

Dipper continued to hold her hand as she started to give birth.

"Come on now, push a little more."

Wendy did what she was told, she screamed in pain as the first was born.


"It's a girl!"

One doctor held the baby girl, as Wendy started giving birth to the second.

"Okay, almost. Just one more big push!"


"It's a boy!"

"Are they okay?" Asked Wendy with tears in her eyes.

"Yep, congratulations they're both beautiful, healthy babies."

Dipper held the girl, as Wendy held the boy. Both were crying as the babies started to smile at them. Everyone cheered for the new parents.

"So, what are you gonna name them guys?" Asked Mabel as she smiled at the parents.

"Well, I always liked the name Abby, for a girl."

"Yeah, and I always liked the name Daviant, for a boy."

"Those names are perfect!"

After Wendy had the twins, the couple went home with their new children. They were really starting a future together.

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