Chapter seven: "Best friends forever."

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The next morning Wendy awoke in the living room of the shack to see Dipper was no longer in her arms. She thought he got an early start, so didn't think too much about it. Wendy got up, and went to the kitchen for breakfast. She didn't see Dipper so she thought he was on a monster hunt again. When she was done eating she went to the gift shop and went to work. When she was at her shift, she still didn't see Dipper. She was starting to get worried about her partner in crime, so she decided to go look for him.


Wendy then ran out side in search of her little buddy. She looked up in the trees. She looked in the lake. She looked in the bushes. She looked everywhere. Wendy started to feel scared, she was worried something bad happened to him. Wendy sat on a log and tried to retrace her steps, when she heard crying not to far away. She got up and walked up a hill, and saw Dipper crying.



"Dipper, what's wrong?"

"Nothing...I..I'm fine."

"Dipper, you know you're not a very good liar."

"Okay, I guess I'm still messed up about the whole dream thing. I still can't believe I thought it was real! I'm an idiot!"

"Dipper! Never say that about you're self!"

"But, it's true!"

"No, it's not! And Dipper, I can't tell you how many times I thought a dream was real."


"Could of fooled me."

Wendy then hugged Dipper tight, and started to hug back. Wendy smiled as Dipper hugged tighter.

"You know, this reminds me of how we first met Dipper."

"Yeah, it does seem familiar, doesn't it?"

"Which means I can do this!"

Wendy picked up Dipper and put him on her shoulders.

"Wendy! Put me down!"

"Not until you stop bumming around!"

"Ha, never!"

"Come on, depressed Dipper is lame!"

"Oh fine."


She then put him down, and hugged him again. Dipper looked at his watch and thought he should head back to the shack.

"I better get back to the shack before Mabel wonders where I am."

"Okay. See ya squirt."


Before Dipper left Wendy walked up to him, and kissed his cheek. Dipper blushed and smiled sheepishly at Wendy. She giggled before he left. She sat back on the log, and sighed.

"Uhhhh oooohh!"

Then Mabel came out from a bush and Wendy jumped back.

"Mabel! How long have you been there?"

"Don't worry about that. Let's talk about you having a crush on my brother!"

"What? Pffft, yeah right. I was just helping him out okay? It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about him."

"Uhuh. We will see."

Mabel finally walked back home, leaving Wendy back on the log.

"I don't like him. Do I?"

That night Wendy couldn't fall asleep. She couldn't stop thinking about Dipper. She tried to clear her thoughts but couldn't then she realized. She's in love with Dipper.

"Uh oh."


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