Chapter four: "How I met your mother."

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About five years later both Abby and Deviant are now 10 years old. One night at dinner, Abby and Deviant were talking about how they think their parents met.

"I think they met on the moon Abby!"

"That's silly, I think they met in the park."

"Pfft, that's boring."

"Then let's ask them our selves, and see how was right or wrong."

"Great idea. Let's go."

So when Wendy was finishing up dinner, the twins came into the kitchen. Dipper came in a few seconds later to see the kids were in there.

"Hey Mom, Dad?"

"Yeah, what is it kids?"

"Me and Deviant were wondering how you two met."

"Oh boy, not this again."

"What's wrong Dipper? Still hate the fact you got saved by a girl?"

"Yeah, yeah just tell them."

"Mom, you saved Dad once?"

"Sure did. I was on my way to work when..."


Wendy was on her way work to as normal with out a care in the world. She hummed to her self as she went into the woods.

"Heading into work, doo doo."



Wendy then saw a little boy sitting on a log crying. She felt bad for the kid, and went to see if he was okay. She walked up to him calmly not to scare him.

"Hey kid, you okay?"


"You got a name?"


"Can you talk at all?"


Wendy walked closer to the kid, and wrapped her arms around him. Giving him a comforting bear hug.

"Well, even if I don't know who you are, I'm here for you dude."

The kid started to hug her back when she picked him up, and put him on her shoulders.

"Let's start over. My name is Wendy. It's cool to meet you."

The kid started to hug her around her head slightly before finally speaking.


"I'm sorry?"

"My name is Dipper pines."

"Dipper huh? Is that your real name?"

"No, it's a nickname."

"How did you get it?"

"It's better if you don't know right now."

"Okay, if you say so."

They two of them walked in the woods for awhile before Wendy started to speak up again.

"So, what brings you to Gravity Falls? I can tell you're not from here."

"Oh, I'm visiting my Grunkle Stan for the summer with my Sister Mabel."


"Oh, it's short for great uncle."

"Ah, okay I can see that. Well, tell me where he lives so I can bring you home."

"Oh, he lives at the tourist trap called the Mystery Shack or something."

"Oh get out of here, I work there!"

"You do?"

"Yeah, I'm the cashier. I was on my way there when I found you as a matter of fact."

"Can you take me there then?"

"Of course man."

"Thank you so much Wendy."

"No problem squirt."

Wendy walked on her normal route to the shack holding Dipper on her shoulders. She looked up at him and smiled warmly at him. Dipper return the smile. He didn't know why, but he felt safe with Wendy, even if they just met. They finally came across the shack. Wendy put Dipper off her shoulders and on the ground. A girl came out and ran to Dipper hugging him tight until he fell to the ground.

"Dipper, I was so worried!"

"Mabel, I'm alright."

"Where were you?!"

"I was talking a walk, and I got a little lost. But if it wasn't for Wendy here, I might still be out there."

Mabel then hugged Wendy tight around her waist. Wendy returned the hug smiling at the kids.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you sooooooo much Wendy!"

"No worries kid."

Stan then came out steaming mad at Wendy. And she knew why. She was late for work.

"Wendy, I thought I told you to get here on time!!"

"Yeah yeah, take a chill pill old man."

Wendy then started walked into the shack only to be stopped by Dipper.

"Hey um, Wendy?"


"Thank you for everything."

She smiled at him as he hugged her again tight. She returned the hug, and turned around and into the shack.

"No worries Dipper."

"And maybe we could, I don't know, be friends?"

"Yeah squirt, I would like that. You know I think I will enjoy having to you here for the summer."

"Yeah me too."


"Wow, I can't believe you did that mom."

"Yeah, 18 years later I still believe it myself."

The whole family had a laugh before going to dinner.

"And you thought they met on the moon."

"Yeah well, you weren't right ether sis."

"No, but I was close."

"Yeah yeah."

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