Chapter six: "Wait, no! It can't be a dream!"

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Dipper awoke on the couch of the Mystery Shack where he was being held be some one. This person had a green flannel, and blue jeans. Also long red hair. That person was none other than Wendy Corduroy. Dipper looked up at her, as she smiled warmly at him. Dipper smiled wide as he threw himself on to her holding her tight.

"Oh Wendy, I'm so happy you're okay!"

"Um, yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Wait, you're 15 again!"

"Yeah, why would I...."

"Where are the kids?"

"What kids? What are you...."

"Where is your necklace I gave you?"

"Woah, Dipper you need to slow down."

"Wendy, what's going on here?"

"You tell me."

Dipper was confused why was Wendy alive? Why was she 15 again? Where was the kids? Dipper thought about it for a second and then it came to him.


"Dipper! What are you talking about?!"

"If I told you, you would think I was crazy."

"I'll take my chances!"

"Wendy, don't you remember Lover's Mansion?"

"Lover who, what now?

"Don't you remember being a werewolf?"

"What? Werewolf?"

"Don't you remember being a mother of Abby and Deviant?"

"Dipper, I'm 15 I've never had kids."

"No, it had to be real! I'll prove it. Come on Wendy!"


Dipper then brought her to where Lover's Mansion was on the big hill of Gravity Falls. He then pointed to where he thought the mansion was.

"See, I brought you here once. Just look."

Wendy looked where he was pointing at, and saw nothing was there. She was starting to get worried about her partner in crime. What was he pointing at? What ever it was, it wasn't there now.

"What am I looking at dude?"

"What? Don't you see the...."

He stopped in mid-sentence as he saw the big mansion was no longer there.
Dipper couldn't believe it. Was it really all just a dream? Dipper turned to Wendy and she looked worried about him. He sighed and sat in the grass on the hill. Wendy sat by him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Dipper, please explain what is going on."

"Okay fine, what do I have to lose anyway? Okay listen. I had a dream where I asked you on a date, and brought you to a place called Lover's Mansion, and it was great until we found out it was haunted."

"Yeah, go on."

"And we defeated the ghosts I gave you a emerald necklace."


"And I dreamed that a few months later in Winter time were you turned into a werewolf. And you we're turned back to normal after you tried to protect me."

"Okay, what else?"

"Then years later, we got married.... And had twins. Abby and Deviant."

"Ah, I see."

"And then I dreamed that we were old, and you died of cancer. Which was when I woke up."

"I see now."

"I'm a fool Wendy."


"I thought it was real, of course it wasn't real! Why would it?!"

"Dipper, it's okay."


"Because I'm here."

Dipper stopped as Wendy pulled him into a comforting hug. Dipper hugged back and started to cry on her shoulder. Wendy just rubbed his back, trying to calm him down. Dipper tried to speak but was to caught up in the hug to say anything.

"Dipper, if it makes you feel any better I think it was really sweet you dreamed that."


"Yeah, it is."

"Thanks Wendy."

"No worries. So we cool now."

"Yeah, we are."

"Let's go home."


Dipper and Wendy both walked down the hill, and back to the shack. Wendy held Dipper tight on the couch as Dipper fell back asleep with a smile on his face. Wendy smiled at him, and kissed him on the forehead goodnight.

"Sweet dreams dork."

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