Chapter 2- I may be on the road to forgivness! Ugh!

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Elena P.O.V

On the way to class I was thinking about what Theo said and how it made me feel. Maybe just maybe I should try to forgive him because I never have, but you know what whatever happens happens and that is fine to me. Ugh what am I talking about? I am not forgiving him until he apologizes!!  Just then I ran into someone. "Sorry didn't see you there. I'm Ben by the way."

 I looked up to see a smoking hot guy right in front of me. "Oh its fine don't worry about it. I'm Elena by the way but you can call me Lena."

He smirked and I thought oh great now he thinks I’m a slut from the way that I’m looking at him. I just want to be friends I don't think of a lot of people that way!  I mean I’ve always had boyfriends but I usually get broken up with for no apparent reason.

 "Well Lena it was nice meeting you I should be getting off to English."

 I smiled "Oh why don't we go together I actually have that class. I can show you around you get the Specialty Lena Tour on Bimbos Jocks oh and the lovers of the arts like Moi so let’s get going." He laughed and nodded. 

As soon as we got to class I spotted my friends and HIM. Oh wait I am supposed to give him a chance to apologize and if he doesn't then Theo Peters shall be shunned even though we have all the same classes- English, Drama, Gym, Vocal Lessons, Calculus, Biology ,and Lunch. What a freaking joy. As I went to sit down next to Theo where my new seat was right at the back well I guess that’s a plus but whatever.

 Theo was glaring at Ben I mean seriously glaring like I was his girlfriend or something! Ugh! Every time I meet someone new he just has to ruin it, even if I don't have any romantic feelings towards the person.

"Hey Lena." He smiled genuinely wow he must be in a good mood today!

 "Hi Theo.... So did you meet Ben he's new I showed him to class." I said with and innocent smile but Theo was clenching his jaw sexily. WAIT A MINUTE DID I JUST SAY SEXILY!?!?! Theo burst me out of my thoughts.

 "Lena I know I should have said this a long time ago but I am really truly sorry. Can we work on being friends again? I was a messed up kid who just wanted to fit in and I am truly sorry for my stupidity." He said it with so much sincerity so I guess I can believe him and give him a chance to make it up to me..

 "Theo your forgiven and really I'm sorry to for all the nasty things I said to you when we were fighting. I understand that you just wanted to fit in it doesn't make it okay. But I can try to understand and we can be friends again." I said softly.

 He smiled and said "You have no idea how much that meant to me! I have been so scared to think you were going slap me into next week like you did to your cousin that year he spilled soda on your white shirt!"

I laughed "Yeah good times.. good times." he laughed and we continued talking till the bell rang and he had to run to his locker so I went to my well both of our group of friends.

Tiffany was the first one to start giving me a lecture a good one actually "Lena!! Were you just talking to Theo? Did you guys finally make up? Because at home he has run that stupid I'm sorry speech to me and Vince like a billion times I think he likes you more than a friend hun."

 Oh did I forget to mention Tiffany is Theo's cousin who is living with him.. "Well all I wanted was a simple apology and I got it. So I’m willing to try to be friends with him again. But babe I don't think he likes me more than a friend but we'll see ok?" She nodded and we kept walking while our other friends were arguing about something incredibly stupid.

"Uh guys what are you arguing about and can it wait so we can get to drama on time?"

 Mark was the first one to speak up. "Well Lena dear since we are kind of friends with Theo we were deciding when you two were finally going to hook up my bet was a month tops!"

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