Vmon (Requested)

354 10 20

Genre: Fluff
Requested by: My special friend . . . The one and only . . . . . GlamArmyGirl93 !!!!!!!!!!!
(Insert audience clapping)
Enjoy! (This is my first TaehyungxNamjoon fic tbh. . . )

"My Little Brother(s)"

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"My Little Brother(s)"

"Now, watch this." Kim Namjoon smiled at the younger boy who looked like he might explode out of excitement. The older boy shook the tin can several times, before holding it out on an angle, and pressing the pad of his index finger on the button, streaks of red spray paint blowing out onto the dull gray stone wall, as he wrote something in Hangul.
       "'남동생'? (My little brother?)" Taehyung asked, before he frowned in deep thought. "Well then if I am your 'younger brother' . . ." Kim Taehyung stuck his tongue out of the side of his mouth in concentration (a habit he's pretty much always had), and shook his own tin can, copying the way Namjoon had gotten the spray paint to work, also writing in Hangul, their native tongue. Once the dark-haired brunette boy finished he put a heart and a smiley face at the end.
       " ' 수호 천사 것입니다?' (Will you be my guardian angel?)" Namjoon smiled and wrapped his arms around the younger boy, and placing a soft kiss to the crown of his head, before replying. " 항상. (Always.)"


" 운영 . . . (Run . . .)" Taehyung warned, quickly scrambling to his feet, and trying to hit Namjoon awake.
       "What . . .???" Namjoon sat up and sleepily rubbed his droopy eyes.
       "Hurry up, we don't have time to be tired hyung, wake up!" Taeyhyung yelled grabbing their duffle bags, clothes, and food, as Namjoon still struggled to get up.
       "What do you want me to do again. . .?" Namjoon yawned while stretching.
       " 운영 !!! (Run!!!) " Taehyung screamed shoving some of their items into the older boys arms, grabbing Namjoon's wrist with his free hand, pulling the boy to his feet and bolting down the dimly lit streets.


"He's not really Taehyung . . ." Namjoon spoke to his reflection in the broken filthy mirror. "He's not truly my brother. My brother is gone. He's not even from the same place as me; the kid's all the way from Degu, and I don't even know the kid's name. He doesn't even know his name himself. So why do I still feel the need to protect him- why can't I stop promising the kid that I'll be his guardian, when I can't even keep my own head on my shoulders?"


       "My name . . .? My name is . . . well, I-I don't exactly remember my name, but---"
       "It's okay. I'll just call you . . . Taehyung!" Namjoon smiled, showing a big grin that had several missing teeth. "Just like my little brother."
       "Really?!" 'Taehyung' practically jumped up and down with glee due to the fact that he was making a new friend. "Where is your brother???"
       "He's-He's dead. He died in a fire. And now he's gone."
       "It's okay," the little boy patted his shoulder. "I'll be your little brother, hyung. And since yore older you can be my guardian angel."


"Wah~" Taehyung exclaimed deeply inhaling the heavenly smell of freshly baked bread. " 배고파~ (I'm hungry~)" Taehyung said moistening his lips hungrily as his stomach rumbled loudly.
       "Don't worry, I'll get you some bread, and we'll buy spray cans next time." Namjoon said bringing out the small stash of Won from his jacket pocket.
       " 아니~ (No~) " I don't need the bread; besides, I'd rather go with you to see what newer colors of paint they have." Taehyung said while pulling on the other's arm, since be knew that the soft fresh bread costed much more than some silly cans of spray paint.
       "Let me take care of you, TaeTae. You're hungry, and the shop is right in front of us. I'll only take a minute, and I'll be back with some bread, 알다? (Understand?)"
"But what if the police come to catch us?" Taehyung asked with worry, panic, and fear clearly evident in his shaking voice.
"I'll be right back." Namjoon said pulling the younger boy into a tight hug. "Do you remember our promise?" Namjoon asked pulling away and holding Taehyung's arms.
Taehyung sniffled and nodded. "Ne. I promise I'll always be here for you . . ."
"If you promise to never ever leave my side." Namjoon finished. "Besides, I'm actually kind of hungry too."


" . . . Taehyung? Taehyung . . . TAEHYUNG!!!!!!" Namjoon turned a complete full circle, his eyes scanning the empty streets in search for the younger boy. There was no sign of him. Namjoon ran back to the motorcycle that the young men had stolen earlier, and noticed a piece of paper attached to the lether seat of it that had the logo of a recently common gang. Someone kidnapped his younger brother.


"He is coming . . ." Taehyung mumbled absentmindedly as he collected a pebble in his hand. "He isn't coming." Taehyung threw the pebble, watching it skitter across the stone floor.
He grabbed another pebble "He does love me . . . " and thew it. "He hates me."
"He does miss me . . ." Taehyung pulled his legs close to his chest. "He is better off without me."
"He is searching for me . . . he isn't looking at all." Taehyung rested his chin on his knees.
"He is my best friend . . ." Tears collected in Taehyung's eyes as his voice quavered. "He's my worst enemy."
       It was Taehyung's own way of keeping his sanity-nhis own way of counting the time that passed while he waited for his guardian angel to come save him, from the very men who kidnapped him, and brought him to wherever he was.


       "TAEHYUNG!!!!!" Namjoon yelled as he ran towards the younger boy. "Oh thank, GOD you're alive!!!"
"NAMJOON HYUNG!!!!!" Taehuyng jumped into Namjoon's arms, not caring that the impact kind of hurt his now injured and fragile body, because once he fell into Namjoon's wide embrace- he felt safe once again. "You're not so dead yourself."
"Kim Taehyung?"
"I don't care if we're not related by blood, or if your name isn't really Taehyung you're my little brother, and nothing can ever change that.
"Hyung . . . . . 사랑해 (I love you.)
" 나도 사랑해 (I love you too.)
I hope you liked it readers!

)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I hope you liked it readers!

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(A/N: Omg, V . . . . . XD)

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