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The signs as Daring Charming

EAH Daring Charming- Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn

Fifth Destiny Daring- Aries, Taurus, libra, Pisces

Mess of a Fantasy Daring- cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius

What did you get?

QOTP: do you think Daring has potential as a character?
I always did, though I do now especially that his destiny is not what we thought he was. With the rumored but quite possibly real photos from that winter line of Daring in a two pack with Rosabella, I think the evidence to support that Daring is actually meant to be the beast is strong. However I don't think they should be pairing him with Rosabella, who doesn't seem like his type at all. He's already friends with a wild "beast" girl. It's the classic Taylor Swift "You Belong With Me" story

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