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The Signs' Roommate

Aries- Kitty Cheshire

Taurus- Cedar Wood

Gemini- Maddie Hatter

Cancer- Lizzie Hearts

Leo- Ashlynn Ella

Virgo- Apple White

Libra- Raven Queen

Scorpio- Briar Beauty

Sagittarius- Cerise Hood

Capricorn- Darling Charming

Aquarius- Rosabella Beauty

Pisces- CA Cupid

What did you get?

QOTP: who's the best EAH character and why? (Be sure to provide a reasoning that isn't just "she/he's awesome" or something like that)
I'm gonna go with Cerise because her character has the most depth. Though I also believe that the same case could be argued for Apple, Raven, Kitty, Darling or Briar.

By the way I just wanted you guys to know, next week I'm planning on taking a temporary break from writing (only for the week) because it's not only the last week of the quarter at school (so I'll be really busy) but also because I turn 16 next Friday :0 I don't want writing to feel like a job or responsibility rather than a fun activity, so I think I need a week break. To you guys it might seem like I haven't done much but just because I haven't published anything in the past week doesn't mean I haven't been a writing machine. Thanks for understanding :)

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