one hundred seventy six

174 9 7

The character the Signs think is overrated

Aries- Meeshell (yes, ME)

Taurus- Alistair

Gemini- Apple

Cancer- Raven

Leo- Dexter

Virgo- Cupid

Libra- Ramona

Scorpio- Maddie

Sagittarius- Rosabella

Capricorn- Chase

Aquarius- Poppy

Pisces- Faybelle

What did you get?

QOTP: which EAH character do you think is overrated?
Meeshell. We don't even freaking know her yet and everyone is acting like she's an actual goddess best character the shows ever seen (how can she be the best we don't even know what she's like???)
I also think Melody and Poppy are overrated.

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