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Who the Signs think is the most selfish

Aries- Duchess

Taurus- Apple

Gemini- Raven

Cancer- Sparrow

Leo- Blondie

Virgo- Briar

Libra- Cerise

Scorpio- Hunter

Sagittarius- Austin (from Fifth Destiny)

Capricorn- Luke (from DCFE)

Aquarius- Blake (from Fifth Destiny)

Pisces- Blaze (from Badwolf)

Sorry the last four are OCs, I ran out of characters that seemed selfish in the slightest.

What did you get?

QOTP: which character do you really think is most selfish?
*expects a lot of answers to be Raven, Daring and/or Apple*
Not gonna lie I think Blondie is probably the most selfish without having to take sides (like royal or rebel) because she does exploit her friends for her own benefit via her gossip blog

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