Chapter 3.

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*A/N* I'm sorry to keep you guys waiting, with chemo & everything im usually way to tired to write anything but Oh my glob! Over 1,000 reads! I couldn't be happier! And very special thank you to @KanyaCoffman for my amazing cover! Your awesome.

Jaxon POV

The minute I stepped onto crescent moon territory my wolf began to stir. He seemed off, like something was wrong. I was about five minutes away from the pack house when I smelt the most amazing scent. I quickly recognized the scent, it was the scent of a female wolf in heat but it was much sweeter. I felt like I was in a trance and I couldn't think straight. My wolf kept screaming "MATE" "MATE" over in my head and I knew something was wrong. I let my wolf guide me towards and soon I was in front the pack house trying to get past some of my pack fighters who were guarding the door. "Move out of my way" I told them. "Sorry, no can do alpha, Sebastian told us to not interrupt him " replied Jin. I was getting very impatient and was about to move him myself until I heard moans and screams from inside. By then my wolf was ready to destroy anything in it's path. "Jax man calm down" jin told me and I lost it. I grabbed him up by his neck and tossed him aside and kicked the door open. Once I stepped over the rubble my heart sank into my stomach as I watched my two best friends fuck Ryleigh. "Mate no..." My wolf whimpered. I then realized that my mate was Ryleigh. The fact that they didn't even notice me standing there got me seeing red and I couldn't control my wolf anymore so I let him take over completely.

Ryleigh POV

Once I saw Jaxon my heart stopped and all I could think about was how beautiful he looked in his V-neck T-shirt. I tried to get Sebastian and Kayden to notice Jaxon but they were to busy pleasuring me to care. Before I could utter another moan Jaxon had punched Kayden so hard in the face that he flew into the kitchen. At that moment Sebastian had a few seconds to look up before I was roughly thrown off him and Jaxon had begun to claw at his face. I quickly got up and tried to grab Jaxon's arm when he back handed me sending crashing down on the hard wood floor. Shocked I sat there on the floor holding my face and staring at Jaxon's back as he continued to claw at Sebastian. The other guys I recognized as Jin, Beck, Emmett and Shain, were trying hard to prt Jaxon off of Sebastian. I had to do something or else seb wouldn't have a face left so I jumped on Jaxon's back and yelled for him to stop immediately. As I my voice had done the trick he calmed down abit and threw my off his back onto the floor once more. "LEAVE NOW!! ALL OF YOU!!" He alpha commanded them and as they began to carry seb and Kayden out of the house Jaxon turned back to me and glared at me with his crimson eyes. I was too scared to even cover my nude body so I kept moving backwards until my back hit the wall. "Is this how you treat your mate?! Hmm?! By being a whore!!" He yelled in my face. My mind went blank and I could think about was how incredibly terrified I was at that moment. When I tried to look away he grabbed my chin and yanked it up in a tight grip so that I could look him in the eyes. "ANSWER ME!!" he demanded. But I couldn't bring myself to formulate a single word I was to scared. "Well if since you can't explain your atrocious behavior I have no choice but to punish you, I can't have my mate running around being a slut no can I??" I didn't even bother to reply, it would probably just anger him even more. He then picked me up bridal style and crushed me against his chest as he starting running at full speed out of my house. I began to shiver as the wind hit my naked body. "Where are you taking me?" I demanded, though he just smirked eerily at me before saying, "I'm taking you home, you need to be punished before you meet the rest of the pack". "what the hell are you talking about?! You just KIDNAPPED me from MY HOME! And I don't want to meet your pack now take me home you psycho!!" I yelled. How dare he take me from my home without my permission or any clothes to cover up with! "OH you can speak now? Ha, You don't get a say in what I do and since your my mate that means you are LUNA of my pack. And as your mate and alpha I can do whatever I want." With that I decided to keep my mouth shut until I could find away to get back home. Once we arrived at the pack house he quickly took me to what I presume is his bedroom. " Ok, what the hell? Why am I in your bedroom and can you please give me something to cover myself with?" I asked calmly. " You won't need to cover anything because you are not leaving this room until I say so" he replied with a chuckle. I was beginning to get very irritated with him telling me what I can and can't do, I'm a future alpha for Pete's sake!! " Fine, if you won't give me clothes I'll go give the pack a full show of their new alpha female" as I tried to reach for the door Jaxon shoved me back onto the bed and before I could say anything he had cuffed me to the headboard. "As I said before, YOU WON'T BE GOING ANYWHERE" he said harshly. " And as for that little show of yours, that definitely will not happen. It seems to me that you have zero respect for me as your mate so until You do, you WILL do as I say." I could care less about exactly what he was saying, all I wanted was for him to take his anger out on me and fuck me hard. Noticing my arousal he quickly parted my legs and inserted two of his fingers in me. " I almost forgot that your in heat, you know I can make it go away for your right?" He asked ever so seductively. I couldn't utter a word as he kept pumping in and out of me so I simply nodded. "Well I'm not going to." And as quickly as they entered me his fingers quickly left me. I couldn't believe he just did that!! I looked at him with my shocked expression as he walked out the room locking the door. That bastard! How could he leave me all hot and bothered?! Sighing loudly I decided that there was nothing I could do but wait for him to come back.

*A/N* well that was ch. 3 & I hope you guys liked it. I'm also going to try to update at least once a week. So pls comment, vote & fan! Xoxo

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