Chapter 8.

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Sebastian Pov

I was lounging in the game room with Jin when Valerie mind-linked me telling me to meet her in Jaxons office. I really didn't want to be around her or Jaxon right now, alpha or not. I tried to block her out of my head but she wouldn't stop so I finally gave up and began making my way upstairs. The bitch has been Luna for two hours now and she's already been barking orders. Not all of the pack knows that Valerie isn't Jaxons mate so it's easy for them to obey her every command. I took my time walking to the office, taking slow and spiteful steps towards the door. When I walked in I saw her sitting at the desk smirking while wearing Jax's shirt

replied smugly. "what do you want Val?" I asked impatiently. "Is that any way to speak to your new Luna?" She replied smugly. "Look just tell me whatever it is you want from me." I had to suppress a growl because then she would have Jaxon punish me for being disrespectful. " I want you to go over to the crescent moon pack house and retrieve my prisoner that YOU let escape earlier." "You want me to go get Ryleigh?" I asked dumbfounded. "Yes I do, I've already called and informed her alpha of her actions. They should be home by now so you better get moving. And I don't want to be kept waiting all night, hurry back now!" She said with fake enthusiasm. "But-" I was cut off by her using her alpha time and commanding me to leave immediately. Sighing I hurriedly exited the room. I don't know why Jaxon chooses to put up with that, I sure wouldn't. She wasn't suppose to be Luna but since she's carrying our future alpha and Jaxon marked her, the title was given to her. Hmm I wonder how Ryleigh's parents are going to punish her, with them being elders to the high council and all. Making my way outside I shifted into my wolf and ran to Ryleigh's house where I was greeted by alpha Charlie and Luna Raquel, her parents. "Beta Sebastian," alpha greeted. "I spoke with your Luna and she claims that my daughter attacked her, is that true?" His face became hard and emotionless. I didn't want rye to get punished because of that bitch Valerie but I couldn't lie to him, I could be stripped of my title for lying to an elder. "Yes sir, this is true, I saw when Ryleigh ran on stage during a pack meeting and punch Luna Valerie in the nose." I replied with my head hung low. "What?! I know my daughter and she would never harm anyone unless she was provoked." Screamed Luna Raquel. "What was going on when she allegedly attacked your Luna?" She questioned. At that moment I knew that what I said next would land rye in deep trouble. I briefly looked up at their faces and Charlie still looked void of any emotion while Raquel looked torn. If they found out that Jaxon was Ryleigh's mate then there would be hell to pay since he mated, marked and impregnated another. "We were being informed that our Luna is with child when she was attacked." I replied in a low voice. That sent Raquel over the edge, she began sobbing and then left the room. "So let me get this straight..." Charlie spoke. "My daughter attacked a pregnant Luna while in your territory?" "Yes sir, my Luna and alpha are asking that Ryleigh be returned to us for punishment since she escaped earlier." I told him. His face was solemn but I could see the pain and anger in his eyes. The punishment for attacking a Luna is life imprisonment but for attacking a pregnant one, punishment is death."Sir?" I called out to him but he seemed to be in a deep thought. "Sir?" I said for a second time and his eyes snapped up at me. "My apologies Beta Sebastian but my daughter has not gotten home yet. She should be here shortly, why don't you wait in the living room while I tend

To my mate." He said in a sad tone. Nodding my head I went in the living room to have a seat while I waited.

Ryleigh Pov

Pulling up to my drive way the feeling still hadn't gone away and I was starting to worry. "Thanks again for the ride Xavier." I said as I pecked him on the lips. "Your welcome rye. I do hope to see you again soon." He replied smiling. "Well you have my number." With that I exited his car and went inside. I smelled seb's and my parents scents the minute I closed the door. "Ryleigh darling, can you come here please?" I heard my mother say from the living room. I wonder why they came home so early, I thought to myself. As I entered the room I saw

My Mom, dad and seb sitting in a circle with grave faces. "When did you guys get back?" I asked my parents. "We rushed back the minute we heard that you attacked the Luna of the dark shadows pack." My father replied sternly. "She had it coming." I scoffed. To be honest I totally forgot about my traitorous mate and his whore, I was too busy with Xavier. "Damn it Ryleigh!!" My father yelled. "This is no laughing matter! You assaulted a pregnant Luna! Do you even know what happens next?!" Sighing he turned away from me. "Darling..." My mother interjected, "We can't let this go unpunished. But I will not let you be executed before I hear your side of things." I really didn't want my parents to know about my mate situation, it would only raise my problems. My parents are elders, they can make anything happen. But If Valerie is trying to have me killed then I'm not going down unless she goes down first. "I found my mate today." I said, my voice just above a whisper. I waited for them to respond while my mother squealed with delight. "Oh darling I'm so happy for you! In one day you've experienced your first heat and found your mate!" She said giving me a tight hug. I didn't bother to look at my fathers face , I knew he must've felt torn between his emotions given the situation. With a shaky tone he asked, "And who is your mate?" When I didn't answer he walked over to me and lifted my face so our eyes could meet. He stared at me for a few.seconds before saying, "It's Jaxon Wolfe isn't it?". By then tears were flowing out of my eyes freely and the pain in my chest had returned. I wanted to move on and forget about HIM, let him go and be with that slut. I continued to hold on to my Mom as the tears kept coming. "That bastard mated and marked another in front of our daughter Charlie! Of course she would react the way she did! We have to do something!" My mother screamed in anger. "Raquel I know what he did was wrong but what Ryleigh did was worse. While I'm not going to let them execute her, I'm not going to let her go unpunished!" My father argued back. "I'm sorry to interrupt but my alpha and Luna are awaiting Ryleigh's return." Seb finally spoke. "Well what's it going to be?" I asked my parents. I knew that this was going to be incredibly hard for them but they have to punish me or they would look weak and could face being overthrown. "Ryleigh, you are our daughter and the soon to be female alpha of this pack, but for your actions against the dark shadows Luna, I sentence you to there years of imprisonment in dark shadows correctional facility. You are also not allowed to shift during your imprisonment." My father said with tears in his eyes. "Now come along, we have to get you back to dark shadows territory." Of all the crappy days I've had, this has to be the worse. That bitch won everything, my mate, my title and now she gets to see me rot in a cell for the next there years. I have to watch her be a family with my mate and there's nothing I can do about it. As we walked out the door I felt like I hit rock bottom, in one day my life went straight to hell. Why does Valerie want me out of the picture so badly? I know in my heart that somethings not right but for now I have to face my.punishment.

*A/N* this chapter wasn't edited so pls excuse the mistakes. I really want to know what you guys think of the story so far so pls let me know! As always dnt forget to vote & fan! Xoxo

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